/. quotes a WSJ article that science is about to prove GOD exists. - TopicsExpress


/. quotes a WSJ article that science is about to prove GOD exists. Of course, there are posts saying this is balderdash. I like to start with a definition of terms -- so, I asked a Sufi sheikh how he defines GOD -- He said, GOD is that which is just beyond the edge of science, as science expands our understanding of the world, GOD becomes larger. Ive always liked that definition. It fits right in with how I describe Calculus to friends -- It is the tool we use to understand how God works. Most whove taken Psilocybin Mushrooms talk of the experience of the Ally. Ive always refused the allys assistance / company - back when I used such substances. But there are places in nature I visit, where I can hear the ally, without altering my mind in any way. Ive always assumed it was just my mind, and for the most part its generally things that I probably already know, but once in a while, something comes up that is totally out of left field, not in the realm of my imagination, knowledge, or logic, its not big things, just little things, but otherwise unknowable, such as Im going to run into an old friend later in the day. My friends who live in nature talk of fairies -- Ive always presumed they were using the term in a way similar to how engineers talk of Murphys Law, but ... I have enough self discipline not to trust these experiences. But Im starting to wonder if what Im calling the Ally are similar to what some call Angels, fairies, and gods.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:30:00 +0000

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