“. . . .regardless of all appearances at the present time, the - TopicsExpress


“. . . .regardless of all appearances at the present time, the sinister force attempting to create chaos and destruction through-out the world will be completely destroyed. When that is accomplished, the mass of humanity will turn to the ‘Great God Presence” within each heart and also governing the Universe. “Peace shall reign on earth – and man send out Good Will to man. “It is to cleanse this and bring humanity back to the Original Purity of Life that cataclysmic action takes place. It is following these periods the Kumaras release an enormous outpouring of LIGHT to illumine and strengthen earth’s children, ultimately enabling them to make the Supreme Attainment. (The Ascension) “We are approaching another such period, this time the release of the Great Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Energy – The Mighty Rays of Light – will not only quicken the minds of the race, but the atomic structure of earth as well, making it more Luminous in our solar system. Many who have seemed to become hardened by their former activaties will awaken, as it were, almost overnight, and feel the Nearness of the Great God ‘Presence’ within each Heart. “All will be done by the Power of God Love, and humanity will truly begin to realise that it is the height of folly for one part of God’s Creation to war against another part. “The desire to bless others instead of themselves will almost involuntarily enter into the hearts of mankind and send forth a Light that will illumine the rest of the Way to Perfection. “Selfishness alone holds the children of this sphere in the bondage and misery which have been allowed to express upon earth; but when the Light of the Christ expands the Love in the Heart, selfishness flees and returns to the sea of forgetfulness...”
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:15:49 +0000

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