so mankind..e to islam...To have a good healthy body ask from - TopicsExpress


so mankind..e to islam...To have a good healthy body ask from Allah in the performance of the 5 times obligatory Salah Prayer : Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghreb and Isha plus 15 minutes of following exercises ,plus to eat islamic diet food and drinks -to fill the stomach with 1/3 water ; 1/3 various food nutrients and 1/3 fresh air -no is forbidden to smoke to sufocate self and others . so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) Ask Allah to give you a new body for 15 minutes exercises are as follows. O1 Exercise to be performed for Head and neck Hold head with your right hand or left hand and exhale as you bring head downward , and inhale as you bring head upwards , do it for 7 times; and exhale as your bring your head to left and exhale as you bring head to right, do it for 7 times (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke… so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times 02 Excersise to be performed for the chest, lungs, heart, arms and hands. to make 25 push-ups between two chairs, exhale all the air as you push down and inhale air through the nose to fill the lungs fully as you push up. (do this in 25 times per sets. (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke…or to sufocate yourself and to sofucate others. so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times 03 Exercise to be performed for the upper abdomen, and upper back lie down, then sit up and as you sit up inhale fresh air to fill the lungs deeply and try to reach the toes of the feet then lie down and as you lie down inhale deeply do this for 15 times per set. (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke…or to sufocate yourself and to sofucate others. so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times 04 Exercise to be performed for the lower abdomen, and upper back lie down, then raise the legs up and try to let the knees reach your head and as you do tha exhale the air bring out all the air..and the inhale fresh air as you lower to lying odwn position on the bed down and as you lie down inhale deeply do this for 15 times per set. (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke…or to sufocate yourself and to sofucate others. so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times 05 Exercise to be performed for the back -both upper back and lower back.. while in a position of lying down stomach is on the bed, put you hands on he head and raie your body upwards high and also you raise your legs upward high… and while raising head hand and legs upwards high inhale to fill the lungs with fresh air and then exhale as you slowly bring downwards your head hand and legs… do this for 15 times per set. (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke…or to sufocate yourself and to sofucate others. so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times 06 Exercise to be performed for legs thigh Stand straight then slowly go down to sit down low and as you sit down low you exhale all the air of the lungs… and as you stand inhale fresh air no smoking…it is forbidden to smoketo sofucate yourself and others… so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, stoves or do not breath hazardous air do this for 35 times (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke…or to sufocate yourself and to sofucate others. so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times 07 Excercise to be performed for the legs calf, and feet Stand straight with feet on the stair or 7 inches high , then stand rasing your ankle and whole body higher as you can and as you raise high inhale fresh air and as you lover your feet as low as you can as if ankle to reach the ground.. Exhale the air.. do this for 35 times (then exhale all the air and inhale fresh-air through the nose and fill the lungs fully with fresh smoking…it is forbidden to smoke…or to sufocate yourself and to sofucate others. so do not exercise before the fire,lighted candles, or to breath hazardous air…air of alovera plants etc) do this 7 times About diet, there are recommendable,i.e. balance diet. And there are not recommendabel i.e. unbalance diet. Islamic Balance Diet is the filing of the stomach with 1/3 Fresh air, 1/3 water and 1/3 taking of different food with different nutrients such as carbohydrates, Protein, Vitamins, Sugar, fats and oil, Iron and minerals from the different foods which is served at a meal time. It is not then a balance diet if even though you have taken all the different types of foods but they contain only one or two food nutrients. So to maintain good and healthy body we adopt the islamic balance diet method. The six [6] basic food nutrients or Food Pyramids are carbohydrates, Protein, Vitamins, Sugar, fats and oil, Iron and minerals 1. Carbohydrates food has starch. Usually carbohydrates are for fuel and gives energy of the body. Carbohydrates can contain resistant starch that oxidize fats, and boosters burning. Among those foods that contain carbohydrate; there are recommendable and not recommendable. Like the unpolished rice and polished rice; the brown bread over the white bread, the whole grain that the not whole grain. Carbohydrate can contain resistant starch that oxidize fats and boosters burning fat as fuel and gives energy to the body. But there are normal carbohydrate that produce butyrate a fatty acids during fermentation it is thought to block the body to burn carbohydrates. When normal flour is replaced with a flour that is high in resistant starch, the kilojoules of that food is reduced the fat of it is burned as fuel and gives energy of the body. Carbohydrates that are high in starch resistance can also [1] manage normal weight [2] manage diabetes [3] increase satiety [fulness] from food if properly digested 0r if not digested it is vise versa. Starch foods are intact whole grain, seeds and nuts like oats, ry, wheat, barley somolina, corn, linseed, sesame; legumes like lentils, baked beans, are good resistant starch , Unripe fruit like banana. Cooked and cooled carbohydrate food such as cold rice [sushi], cold pasta salad, cold potatoe salad. 2. Protein food are foods that produces enzymes needed to breakdown food for body building and maintain the imune system. Among the food that contain protein ; there are also those that are recommendable and not recommendable. The lean meat I more recommendable that those meat which not lean i.e. Fatty Meat. So if the meat is fatty it is more recommendable to eat only the meat of it. The meat of a fowls are recommendble to eat than the fatty meat of a fowls. Boiled eggs is recommendable than fried egg especially if the oil used is the oil from animals. The fish whether it has fatty meat or not is recommendable than fatty meat of animals and fowls. When there is more or less than the normal food tolerance of the enzymes needed. They can be similar to those of being a food allergy. Food allergy impact upon s main area of the body [1] the skin 2] the digestive tract and 3] the respiratory system. Food allergy usually appear within a few to 2 hours after the food culprit is consumed. Minor allergies; hives, flushed skin, skin rashes, tingling, iching sense of the mouth, ichy eye, and coughing.. Major allergies: Like vomiting, diarrheam abdominal cramp, throat swelling, tongue swelling, vocal cord, difficulty breathing, inability to speak; or in-ability to swallow,; rapid heartbeat, drop in blood pressure, anaphylaxis, and,loss of conciousness. Protein food.s are: The nuts from the tree - almonds, walnut, pecan, shelfish [like crabs, lobster, prwns]; peanuts; bean seeds, eggs, milk. Canned fish, Roast Beef, sheddered chicken breast, peanut butter, hummus, cheese. 3, Fats and oil Among fats and oil, there are recommendable and not recommendable also. Like the fats and oil from fish or from vegetables and trees is recommendable than the fatty meats from the animals and fowls. 4. Sugar Among those foods that contains sugar for endurance, there are also recommendable and not recommendable. It is preferable to eat brown sugar than the white sugar. Sugar from date fruit are also recommendable and also the sweet of honey and sugar of fruits are given preferences. Brown sugar is more freferred than white sugar… so if you are going to choose what is best take date or honey or brown sugar. For endurance. 5. Vitamins from vegetables and fruits Among those vegetable foods and fruits and leaves of trees that contains vitamins, there are also recommendable and no recommendable. Proper food combination of all of the fresh vegetable are preferred than those not fresh. 6. Iron and minerals Among iron and mineral nutrients, there are also recommendable and not recommendable.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 09:00:17 +0000

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