**spoiler alert**.............I Watched "the english patient" last - TopicsExpress


**spoiler alert**.............I Watched "the english patient" last night.....Im still unsure of the plot...(Ive lost the plot!..lol)....Is it celebrating unconditional love?...Or...condoning uncontrollable infidelity and betrayel?...Or...applauding womanisers /cougars who pursue and interfere with other couples?....Or forgiving a womens loose moral mentality to aquire shapeshifting happiness?...The main character who is employed with the N.G.S(national geographic society)and is"the english patient"(fiennes)becomes involved and falls in love with a married women(binoche).They flash back through the english patients events leading up to his death.Whats apparent is the affair was always unavoidable as the husband(firth) had the naivety and blind work ethic to leave his wife in the desert with a so called trusted friend/work colleague while he served his country taking aerial photography of nth africa for strategic mapping(Really bad judgement of his belief of his wifes devotion on his behalf)....It also appears to acknowledge that a curse or misfortune and suffering will befall you and those connected if you get involved with someone elses life and love interest.Listening to the patients smooth words with high intellect and witnessing the married womens endeavour to situate herself near the patient and to give him a keepsake to consider her was obviously her 1st move to get aquainted.She may as well have backed herself up with dress up,panties down to any educated male who could quote shakespeare and who would ogle her long enough for her to notice.You cant say or can you that she shouldnt have been married in the 1st place as she thought she had it all before the affair began and had they stayed at home the marriage may have never ended.Or would she have met another smooth talking new player "patient" in her neighbourhood?..Im agreeing to the latter(It wouldnt have mattered as she was always open to suggestion I believe~and not out of hatred or displeasure for her husband but out of the lust she couldnt control.)Kind of the grass is always greener on the other side mentality.(We as a sophisticated and civilised species are trying to end our ancestral monkey business of parenting with numerous partners but is that really ideal for the species?)...I was actually at first hoping the guy with the addiction problem and No thumbs(dafoe) as much as he sickened me would end the ratbag rogues existance!...lol..seriously,I had enough of his suave ego and philandering,2faced insipid demeanor with a scurrying rat motion at the xmas party.(But he risked all to get back to her in the cave which made me ponder in the end they were meant to be together and he trully loved her...heartwarming).The nurse Hannah(thomas) and indian soldier(andrews) were my favoured people to become a couple!She with her caring,beautiful timid nature and him with his caring,beautiful timid nature....PERFECT!!....And that explains it!....I guess...Its exploring the concept that people who are alike in nature with the same outlook on life,in the same predictament and with the same ethical standards and intellect will find a way to be together regardless of previous arrangements if constantly situated near eachother.I found it a bit boring as most romantic movies are for me(no huge battle scenes/limited extreme stunts/no imaginative surroundings etc)which is why its a romance..loll.......but the storyline I did enjoy which is why i rated it a 4/5*....Some of my other favourite romance movies are:Ghost/titanic/blueswallow....orca....Im not going soft....im just ageing alone which giving the current choices I have....I prefer......
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 20:27:13 +0000

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