viewer descrestion is advised...the 15 years when I worked on an - TopicsExpress


viewer descrestion is advised...the 15 years when I worked on an Ambulance..I as well as my fellow EMT/Paramedics out there have seen things like you wouldnt believe..things that look like they come right out of nightmare on elm street.. pulled people out of wrecked cars buses and trains....and you see it so much..we cant be grosed out..we are trying to Liturally hold people together and save there lives..Hug a EMT /Paramedic today..the strain and stress we go through in tremendous..and yet wuld you believ as health professionals go..they are still the lostest paid in the medical field..and we have a portable E>R in back of that ambulance..and do amazing things with No help..and are fighting to save lives..with blood all over us..we do what we have to...with still low pay.. wite your state legislators and speak out on this Unjustist.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 02:33:25 +0000

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