Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - TopicsExpress

   Large Hadron Collider (LHC) worked since 10 September 2008 till 14 February 2013. Tevatron worked since 1 December 1970, till 30 September 2011. Enormous resources were spent, but any essentially new results wasnt received. Neither superpartners, nor additional dimensions, neither gravitons, nor black holes. neither dark matter, nor dark energy etc., etc. werent found. As for the Higgs, the assertion that the boson found in the 125 - 126 GeV, is this particle, is highly doubtful -- The Higgs field permeates the vacuum of space, which means the mass of the boson and the stability of the vacuum are closely intertwined. Theory predicted that if the Higgs boson is heavier than about 129 GeV, the universe should be on safe footing. The much celebrated particle has a mass of about 126 GeV - light enough to raise fears of instability ( csmonitor/Science/2014/0624/Why-the-universe-isn-t-supposed-to-exist-video popularmechanics/technology/engineering/extreme-machines/what-stephen-hawking-really-said-about-destroying-the-universe-17192502 ). All well-known elementary bosons (photons, W and Z bosons, gluons) are gauge. Apparently, the found by LHC 125-126 particle represents some hadron multiplet. That is within last several decades many theoretical physicists investigated what isnt present in the Nature. It is the Superstrings Theory, the Higgs theory, the Dark Energy and the Dark Matter hypotheses, etc. On the other hand already in 2006 - 2007 the logic analysis of these subjects described in amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Quznetsov has shown that all physical events are interpreted by well-known particles (leptons, quarks, and gauge bosons).
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 03:50:20 +0000

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