when something wrong is going on somewhere and we share photos and - TopicsExpress


when something wrong is going on somewhere and we share photos and speak out about it on social media, we tend to feel that we as individuals are useless for all we can really do is speak out on social media, share photos and videos and that is about it. But in the long run, our collective efforts of sharing and creating awareness on negative material and rallying against negativity and oppression, ignites a spark that brings about a revolution and brings about the good change that we speak out for. A drop is minor on its own but collectively it makes the ocean. Next time you feel useless and helpless as you post a picture on social media or speak out your opinions and utilize the hashtags concerned in favor of or in opposition to an agenda thinking it may not even make any difference, Stop thinking along those lines immediately and beware, you are, the moment you speak out, a very active, a very helpful part of the good collective. I had always thought of Israel as a very strong, a very brave, a very mighty country. I had always liked the countrys no nonsense attitude. Then one day i decided to check out the Israel i had heard so much about. I found it on the map with ease. I then tried to find the States and territories it was always at war with. Names like Palestine, Gaza and west bank. i had to search very hard on the map and squint my eyes to find these tiny territories! I also learnt that Israel was totally Palestine before and Palestinian land was grabbed to form Israel. I said to myself, is this what Israel goes to war with? are these tiny states the reason behind Israels Supremacy? My opinions on Israel totally changed in one quick moment. Strength is NOT bombarding states that are so damn tiny that finding them on the map is a mission. Bravery is NOT conducting aerial strikes on territories that do not have a single aircraft. Might is NOT sending missiles plummeting on innocent people and on organisations that offer humanitarian aid to its people such as hospitals, churches and mosques. It does not matter who is to blame for the tension between Palestine and Israel, what matters most is that NO child, be it be Israeli or Palestinian, should be on the other ends of the missiles thrown by Israel or Palestine. When men are killed in a war, its statistics but when children are slain, its no longer statistics, it is tragedy, it is the humiliation of humanity. Humanitarian demonstration/walk for the people of Palestine. #kenya4Gaza
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 20:28:55 +0000

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