On May 6, 2014 HUSD Board approved moving - TopicsExpress

   On May 6, 2014 HUSD Board approved moving $641,000.00 into the M & O budget. Many of you are very busy so here is the short clip where Kevin Hagerty, the then CFO, states that a portion of the money came from the capital fund. So obviously money can be moved from one fund to another. An emergency meeting was called and the next week Principles and Assistant Principles received raises of 4,000 to 8,000 dollars. Along with 39% raise, 23% raise, 15% raise to 3 other administration. Bus drives and Aid received 50 cent to $1 hour raises, and yet none of these dollars found their way to our teachers… Why is that? I want to change that. If our teachers are told there is no money for raises… Why did these raises happen? Our teachers deserve our support. (For the full documentation of the discussion go to the May 6th board meeting @ 29 mins and 26 sec. Find out where all the $641,000.00 came from and ask yourself if that is where you want your money to go first?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:57:10 +0000

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