偉い!! 偉い!! 偉い!!! ハレルヤ!!!! Let us build altars - TopicsExpress


偉い!! 偉い!! 偉い!!! ハレルヤ!!!! Let us build altars to the Beautiful Necessity, which secures that all is made of one piece. Let us build to it , which makes man brave in believing that we can not shun a danger that is appointed, nor incur one that is not, to the Necessity which rudely or softly educates him to the perception that there are no contingencies, that Law rules throughout existence, a Law which is not intelligent but intelligence, not personal nor impersonal, it disdains words and passes understanding, it dissolves persons, it vilifies natures, yet solicits the pure in heart to draw on all its omnipotence. Thank God for giving us Power what we want, ーnot candy ー power to execute their design, power to give legs and feet, form and actuality to our thought, which , to a man, appears the end for which the Universe exists, and all its resources might be well applied. every man should have long arms and should pluck his living, his instruments, his power, and his knowing , from the sun, moon, and stars. Nobody should be rich but those who understand it. they should own who can administer , not they who hoard and conceal, not they who , the greater proprietors they are, are only the greater beggars, but they whose work carves out work for more, opens a path for all. For he is the rich man in whom the people are rich, and he is the poor man in whom the people are poor: and how to give all access to the masterpieces of art and nature, is the problem of civilization. Every step of civil advancement makes every mans dollar worth more. Thank God for guiding me participate in the vigil and enter by the private door into every individual. God bless. In a short space everyone will be mumbling our Ten Commandments. 让我们为这美妙的使宇宙万物相互协调的自然性建立起庄严的圣坛吧。因着他,让我们而变得更坚强吧。他让人类勇敢地相信,我们没办法躲避指定的危险,也不能招致未指定的危险。他或温柔或粗暴地教导我们去感知,这世界上并不存在偶然性,却有一种不可言喻的法则贯穿于整个宇宙中,并且这种法则并不是来自灵感,而是来自于智慧-----但他不属于个人的智慧,也并非与个人无关的智慧,他蔑视言语,超越一切感知,深刻了解人类。然而,他赋予自然以生机,恳求纯洁的心灵去汲取他自身所具有的无限威力。 感谢神将大能赐给人类和智慧,让我们懂得从大自然身上汲取营养物质,将它们转化成造福人类的思想源泉。它们不是糖果,而是让我们实现宏图伟志的能力,是施展才华的机会,是将思想变成现实的志向。宇宙万物存在的最终目的正是为了被人类用于更伟大的事业。我们每一个人都应当拥有长长的手臂,从太阳、月亮以及星星那里获取他的谋生手段、日常用品、能力和学识。唯有真正理解它的人才称得上是富有之人。他们是善于管理财富的人,不是只知道一味地积攒或偷偷储藏钱财的人。专横的经营者只不过是胃口极大的乞丐,真正配得称赞的是那些为更多的人创造就业机会,为生活开辟出道路的人。他将自己的命运与人们的命运紧密相连,他富有时,人们也富有,人们贫乏时,他也变得困窘。如何使所有通往艺术和自然杰作的道路畅通无阻,便是关乎文明兴衰的问题。文明前进的每一步都会让每一个的财富都更有价值。 感谢神指引我参加了通宵祷告会,感谢神通过那扇隐秘的窗进入我们每一个人的体内。 愿神保佑,在不久的将来,我们每一个人都会默默地诵读起自己的十诫。Thank God.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 03:57:54 +0000

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