1. Melt the Dark Chocolate by double boiling method or microwave - TopicsExpress


1. Melt the Dark Chocolate by double boiling method or microwave it for 90 secs in Microwave High. 2. Powder the Sugar by running the sugar in your mixer grinder. (do not powder very finely) 3. Bring the Butter to Room Temperature, by immersing the Butter with its carton in a bowl of water. replace the water twice or thrice, whenever it gets chilled. It takes around 10 minutes. 4. Now Beat the Butter with Sugar, using a hand whisk for about 3 minutes atleast. 5. Whisk the Eggs with Yolks and keep aside. I use my mixie to whisk the eggs. its done in a minute. 6. Sift the Flour with Baking Soda, Bkaing Powder and pinch salt. Sift the flour for atleast three times. 7. Chop the Walnuts and keep aside. 8. Pre-Heat the oven for 10 minutes at the temperature of 180 C. / 350 F. 9. While the oven gets Pre-Heated, Add the Melted Chocolate to the whisked Butter-Sugar Mix and blend the chocolate with a spatula. Add the Whisked Eggs to the Chocolate-Butter-Sugar mix and mix well. Also add the sifted flour and mix well. Now add the chopped walnuts and mix well. 10. Pour the Flour+Egg+Butter+Sugar mix to a Greased Baking Bowl. Bake in the Pre-Heated oven at 350F for about 20 minutes. 11. Cool the Baked Brownies for about 30 minutes and then cut them into sqaures.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:26:45 +0000

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