100 round Drill The question “ what drills should I practice - TopicsExpress


100 round Drill The question “ what drills should I practice with my handgun when I go home.” So here is a simple perspective of what I think you should do with one hundred rounds of ammunition. This is a range exercise, as the handgun will be fired! Range Pick a distance you can hit stuff at remembering everyone has the potential to be a good shot a short range, most fights take at short ranges. Start close and work your way back distance wise as you keep all hits on what you are shooting at. Repetition makes for skills. Target I would be absolutely elated if my students could hit a standard white paper plate to fifteen yards on all exercises. If you get better than that make the plate smaller. Or move farther away. Timers I am not opposed to timers I have just never seen one in a fight…and I have never met anyone who has seen a timer in a fight. Shoot at a speed that you hit the target…if you are shooting and missing slow down or move closer. When you start to hit each time or if you already are move back and adjust the mental rheostat in your head to deliver the shot in a more timely fashion. Shoot well, not fast. As a side note in the “real world” every round that leaves your barrel will have a lawyer attached to it. Marksmanship From ready, gun in hand, muzzle directed between you and the target fire ten singles slowly placing them all on your chosen target. Use the safety each time you come off the target. Put your finger straight and off the target between each shot. Many folks are scared of the trigger…easy solution, muzzle on the target finger on the trigger, muzzle off the target finger off the trigger. If my sights are on the target my finger should be on the trigger, whether or not I shoot will be based on what the threat does not what I am doing. From ready fire five sighted pairs, not hammers, double taps, split hammers whatever, look at the sight and press, look at the sight and press. Practice trigger reset as appropriate to your handgun action type…try to not “bounce” your finger off the trigger between shots. Loading Put one round in the handgun, fire, when the gun goes empty keep the muzzle on or in the area of the target and reload. Historically empty guns are treated like the pox. An empty gun is not bad luck it is simply a reality of being in a fight. The bad luck comes from what I do with the gun when it is empty. Keep the gun between you and the target and reload. The thought comes to mind of a tactical load, the saving of ammo or equipment from being dropped on the ground. In a fight you will most often shoot until you win or the gun goes empty…if the fight is over or contained I am not sure taking a working gun that has saved your life so far or solved your problem apart in the form or reloading in this volatile environment is a good idea. Three rounds in the gun are better than seven of fifteen in a pocket or pouch. Don’t fix stuff that is not broke and it is easier to reload by empty load than it is by tactical load. I practice empty loads. Do this drill ten times. Failure or non-compliant threats. Humans have three places of natural armor…attack these. An A response is center of mass. The B response is the head and C is includes a plan A and B to include the pelvis, which is the heaviest bone structure in the human. Handguns are a poor choice of tools to fight with, anticipate that what you shoot will not work. This drill addresses that issue. You can shoot the body and pelvis at a certain speed, the head is not smaller it is different, slow down to hit the head as whatever else you have fired is not working or the head is the only target available to you. If you are shooting paper plates use two big plates stacked on top of each other and a 3x5 card above the two plates. From ready Shoot two on the center plate and one on the card. Do this two times. Shoot three on the center plate and one on the card. Do this two times. Shoot two on the center plate, two on the lower plate, one on the card. Do this one time. Drawing / Presentation Practice your drawing stroke smoothly, speed if you will come from practice not in and of speed itself. Dry (UNLOADED) Draw ten or fifteen times correctly and smoothly follow through to include sight picture and hammer fall. Load, draw and fire ten singles holstering between shots…use the safety, keep your finger off the trigger while holstering. If you have the draw down correctly, draw and while drawing take one-step back as you do so and fire one round ten times. Distance is your friend, practice stepping back as it programs in withdrawal, you’ll like it and so will the jury, it shows your willingness to create distance and allow the threat an out so to speak. Work on movement as your skills progress withdrawals and lateral movements are both good skills to have but they are acquired over time. Malfunctions The better your gun works the more you should practice malfunctions. Fights and family vacations have something in common, they rarely come out they way they were planned. Set ups for this are simple. 1. Leave the magazine unseated, round in chamber and fire when ready. 2. Stick a piece of brass in the top of the ejection port. 3. Set up a double feed. The response is always the same, when the gun does not fire, tap the magazine on the base hard, rack the slide harder, and attempt to fire, if it does it does, if it doesn’t work, remove the magazine from the gun place it behind your strong hand little finger rack the action two to three times and reload the gun as fire if you have a target. So it then is simple everything you do normally you just do it now. If you were loading you would tap the magazine into place and rack the action and fire as required. If you were unloading you would pull the magazine, rack the action to load and reverse the process if you were loading. Run variation five time and after clearing fire one round to complete the cycle of operation in your head. Go slow and so it correctly. You have twenty-one rounds for this portion. Strong and opposite hand Practice shooting from ready five singles with the strong hand only. Carefully transfer the gun to your opposite hand and shoot five singles. If you are not up to a level to do all parts of this exercise then do the ones you can and shooting in my opinion is like swimming you should do it with a buddy, they can see help and assist you and you can do the same in kind. Go slow, go careful, speed and skill comes with time…and practice.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:39:48 +0000

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