14.8 WOD ANNOUNCEMENT 5 STEPS FORWARD - 5 STEPS BACK 15 MIN AMRAP (For Reps) 5 DEADLIFTS (STARTING 100KG/70KG +20KG per round) 10 TEAM BURPEES 15 SNATCHES (STARTING 50KG/30KG +5KG per round) 20 HSPU 25 BOX JUMPS (24”/20”) 30 TOES TO BAR Teams keep going through the rounds until the time runs out. Two Bars are allowed to be used: One for Deadlifts and one for snatches. Two athletes are allowed to do the deadlift on the same bar. Movement Standard Video can be found here - youtu.be/ppFn32_4wtg Scorecard Can be found here - premierfitnessleague/wods-2/wod-14-8/ Movement Standards: Deadlifts: The bar must start on the floor. When the Athlete has lifted the bar with knees and hips locked out a rep can be counted. The bar can be dropped at the top of each rep providing the movement standards are met. Two athletes are allowed to pull the deadlift on the same bar Team Burpees: All 3 Athletes must start standing, at the start of each rep all 3 must ensure that chest and thighs make contact with the floor at the same time! No athlete can proceed to stand up until everyone is on the floor. The next rep cannot start until all athletes have jumped off the ground and are back standing at full extension. Snatch: The bar must start on the floor. In order for a rep to count the bar must be moved from the ground to overhead in one continuous movement! A press out at the top of the rep is acceptable however the bar can not stop moving anywhere near the shoulders, nor can it make contact with any part of your body after the bar has passed the hips. Squat/Power/split snatches are all permitted providing the movement standards are met. HSPU: The rep starts at the top of the handstand with heels against the wall. At the bottom the head must touch the ground and at the top the elbows must lock out with the heels still in contact with the wall at the top of each rep. You can kip or do them strict as long as these movement standards are met! You can either use the floor or ab mat and a 15kg plate either side as the bottom of the HSPU Box jumps: The Athlete must jump onto the box, a rep is counted with both feet on the box and with hips and knees fully extended at the top. They can either step up or jump up and dismount anyway they like as long as the movement standards. You can not meet full extension by springing back off the top of the box, this will be a no rep. You must be at full extension stationary at the top of the box Toes To Bar: The rep starts with the athlete in a dead hang position, both feet must be brought up to touch the bar at the same time, at the bottom the body must be fully locked out with the athletes feet coming behind the bar, if the feet are not taken back behind the bar before the next rep a ‘no rep’ will occur. Please ask any questions Good Luck
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:41:20 +0000

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