30 Day Challenge! Not for our Fit B*tches… 30 day challenges - TopicsExpress


30 Day Challenge! Not for our Fit B*tches… 30 day challenges have become very popular and are widely advertised. Sign up, go gung –ho for 30 days, put your name on a sign up board, it all seems so exciting – 30 days to a new you! Not so fast. If only it were black and white. Let’s dive into why we do not offer 30 day challenges at VOX. Don’t set time constraints – Train for life, not 30 days We do not feel there should ever be an “end” point when looking to create a healthier lifestyle involving proper nutrition and exercise. 30 days is a great start but what about once that month is over, then what? Our philosophy is to never have a set end point – we develop habits that can be maintained for the long-term. But don’t get this confused with setting goals. We always emphasize goal setting whether it is to lose 15 lbs, deadlift 2 plates or compete in a bikini competition. Try settings goals rather than time constraints. People are different, but expectations are the same Another reason we do not set time constraints is because everyone is unique and starting from a different point. There is no doubt in my mind that certain people can achieve great results in 30 days, but not everyone can. However, when you label something and set an end point people develop a certain expectation. All of our clients require different approaches to reach their goals. Rather than spending the first 30 days with a focus and expectation on weight loss, we may spend the first 30 days getting them eating enough food, a time where they may even put on weight. This is something that is sometimes required to help the body get back to a proper state of maintenance. If their past includes various dieting attempts and low calorie eating, the last thing they need is to continue to “diet”. Our first goal is to get our clients to a healthy state rather the set out the expectation of rapid weight loss. Weight loss isn’t a race and should never be a competition When something is labelled as a challenge or competition and a reward/prize offered this can elicit a negative response or outcome. Jane may lose 2 lbs in her first month, which is extremely respectable. However, she may be upset because Sally lost 5 or 10. Now she is upset with her results rather than rejoicing in the result of her hard work. Even worse, Jane may stay the same or heaven forbid gain weight. Maybe she overate a couple times but did develop better habits, or maybe she put on muscle. Weight loss is not a race, not a competition. The only person you need to beat is the person in the mirror. Every day on your journey is an accomplishment, this journey is not linear and there will be ups and downs but we will help you get there! But I did a challenge and it worked?! You may say… We are not closed minded when it comes to the various ways to help people on their road to success. We are fully aware that a 30 day challenge may be just what someone may need to kick start things but we have a different philosophy. We will assist our clients in reaching their goals, but we will not jeopardize their health along the way and if that means taking the longer route then so be it – that is how we do it. Health comes before “weight loss” in our studio, and we never put health aside or sacrifice it to achieve a goal. Looking to get fit and healthy for the summer? Come on in for a consultation and see what we have in store for you! - Landon
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 00:30:00 +0000

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