7 POINT AGENDA’S 1. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTS CHALLENGING KATSINA STATE Environmental, economic and social well- being for today and tomorrow or in many ways, but the most frequently Our Common Future, also known as Brundtland 2. PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT A strategy for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty leading to achieving SUBSTAINABLE AND EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENTS, by building private enterprises and using the non-oil resources PSD can be properly achieved through competitive markets that are stronger and more inclusive. 3. ECONOMICS GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME (PRIORITISING RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT) My aims is to promote the KATSINA STATE GOVERNMENT fiscal planning to achieve medium to long-time development priorities through three sub-components- • Development planning and strategies, • Fiscal policy reforms • Aid Coordination 4. SUSTAINABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENTS To promotes the protection and development of the people and the natural resources including preventing crisis that can delay on interrupt processes by promoting enabling policies, laws and regulations. Building on lessons from the CP Capacity Building programmes on interrogation of energy and environment and into development of policies and frameworks, 5. POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAMME (PAP) The rural people and the very poor are the basic targets groups, this is because they are mostly farmers, rearers, innovators, crafters e.t.c and they participate in markets, strengthen this markets in ways that secure higher incomes for the less privileged is advocated in SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT as fair and efficient ways to fight poverty or wipe out poverty in KATSINA STATE, NIGERIA. • Youths and women • Local communities • Small and medium entrepreneurs • Agriculture and Agro Industries 6. AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (ACSD) Providing first hand information, techniques and valuable access to Data that bring about Sustainable and Equitable Developments patterns sharing the knowledge’s and facts about UNDP, MDGs, DFID, CIDA e.t.c and the very poor and rural dwellers. To aware the rural communities and the very poor on how to achieve proper Sustainable Developments Strategies (SDS) around KATSINA STATE, NIGERIA. And to collaborate with other Governmental and Non – Governmental Organizations, especially the International Organization. In order to faster increase in Data flow, facilities, funds and strategic developmental patterns which are Sustainable in nature. 7. On behalf of me Com. Abdulmalik Saidu Sule, Katsina am thanking to all my well wishers in our state, Nigeria and world at large. I hope this honour being one of many, is yet another acknowledge to me as a true leader worthy of emulation. MY ALMIGHTY ALLAH GUIDE AND PROTECT US. AMEEN. SIGN COM. ABDULMALIK SAIDU SULE, KATSINA STATE, NIGERIA.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 13:04:38 +0000

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