7th May 2014 OPPOSITION HIGHLIGHTS AFTER PARLIAMENT SESSION TODAY. After today’s second Parliament Session, the Opposition held a Press Conference to highlight issues that were raised today on the floor of Parliament. The Opposition Leader, Hon. Belden Norman Namah supported by his Deputy Opposition Leader, Hon. Sam Basil and Madang Regional MP, Hon. Jim Kas, sat in at the Press Conference. Hon. Sam Basil initiated the Press Conference with his opinions on what transpired today during the session when the Governor for West New Britain, Hon. Muthuvel Sasindra asked the Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, to explain the continuous blackouts and the Prime Minister went on to explain the two controversial generators. The MP for Bulolo construed that the question could have possibly been framed so as to give the Prime Minister time to explain the two generators as he took up almost half of the question time explaining. Leader of the Opposition, also MP for Vanimo Green Open, Hon. Belden Norman Namah, supported his Deputy by adding that his formal complaint lodged last week has nothing to do with questioning the two generators, moreover he was questioning the process funds were obtained and transferred to Isreali Company LR Group Ltd who has not agreement of MOU with the state of Papua New Guinea. Mr. Namah carried on to say that the Prime Minister should wait for when he is called upon by the right authorities to explain the transaction that occurred concerning the two generators and LR Group Ltd. ‘’any capital acquisition must go to the Shareholder, which in this case it is IPBC, and from there to be debriefed and recommended to the Board then given as a submission to NEC’’, said Mr Namah. However, as observed the proposal was never given to cabinet for approval until after the transaction was done it was submitted to NEC but under a different Company name that actually is under MOU with the state. Madang Regional, Hon. Jim Kas prompted all members of Parliament to stand up as leaders and not to back away from making National Decisions. Decisions regarding issues with concern of National Health, Law & Order, the Manus Asylum Seeker Centre and the UBS loan were some issues named. Hon. Jim Kas recapitulated that as duly elected members, ‘’We must speak out against issues affecting our people,” he said. We have been bowing down to Australian influence since the 1970s. such influence can be seen in the backing down of the Purari hydro Project, downsizing of the Defence force leading to the increase in Police Force, OBE introduced to Education in PNG leading to Half-baked English spoken and used by Papua New Guineans today, the Manus Asylum Seeker Centre.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 06:09:16 +0000

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