8 Things to Leave Behind in - TopicsExpress


8 Things to Leave Behind in 2015... ---------------------------------------------- After the champagne glow of New Year’s Eve has faded, it’s evident that many of us are very happy to have closed the chapter on 2014, myself included. According to Doreen Virtue, “2015 (2+0+1+5) = 8 which in Angel Numbers equals: A year of infinite abundance and prosperity for you and everyone.” In honor of the number 8, here’s my list of 8 things to leave behind as we turn over a new leaf in 2015. 1. Anger: Let go of any anger you are holding on to. We know that anger only hurts the one who is holding onto it, not the other person so why burden yourself with that kind of negative energy to start a new year. Forgive them and move on. 2. Time Wasters: As we get older, it seems like time is going by more and more quickly each year. That is our perception of course, but when we look at our children, we often say how they are growing up too fast. Make a commitment to leave behind the things that are family timestealing time from you. Reduce the number of activities you do. Learn to say no. Turn off the electronics and leave behind the screen. Our time here is so short – let’s make the most of it this year! 3. Diets and Quick Fixes: If one of your resolutions for 2015 is to achieve a healthy weight, the only way to accomplish and maintain it is through changing your lifestyle. You know it, I know it, we all know it, but it often seems easier to choose a quick fix rather than doing the work. Having worked with clients who want to lose weight for over 8 years, as well as totally transforming the way I eat and my family eats, I know firsthand that changing your habits is the ONLY solution that works. 4. Complaining Publicly: I get it, we’re all human and sometimes things don’t go our way and we complain about it. I am not exempt from this, as my husband would tell you. Let’s make a pact to keep our complaints private, and not air our grievances on social media in 2015. Being authentic is one thing, complaining is another. Choose to be real and share with us how you’re getting through a tough time, instead of simply griping about it. pros and cons5. Comparison: “Comparison is the thief of Joy.” — Theodore Roosevelt. What is most important to you? Comparing yourself, your kids, your marriage, your job, your successes to others? Or to find joy and gratitude in every single day? There is no point in comparing, it simply leads to jealously and a feeling of being inadequate. Next time you look at someone else’s status update or photos, instead of wondering how you measure up, fill your heart with love and simply be happy for them. 6. Being Busy: Enough is enough. Being busy is NOT a badge of honor. Life is not meant to be spent “being busy!” I am always surprised when people make comments about how busy I am and how do I get it all done. Trust me people, I am not busy. I spend lots of time simply hanging out with my family. What I have realized is that by being focused about my work and finding a blend and balance that works for me — I never actually feel too busy for anything. Learning to say no, being more focused and discovering what is MOST important to us (and then doing that) is what will allow us to let go of the “busy” label. To Do List ------------ 7. Lists and Goal Setting: What did I just say? Leave behind my lists and goal setting? Am I serious? Yes. But don’t give them up completely. Darren Hardy is one of my mentors, and I have lived by his simple goal setting rules for years. Each year, narrow your goals to three MAJOR goals that will allow you actually complete many of your smaller ones at the same time. Keep it simple and focused (this will help you avoid being busy!). As for lists, I love organizing my life with lists. My recommendation for 2015 is to keep your lists to a maximum of 3-5 items per day. Any more and you’ll never find the time to get it all done, and you’ll fall back into the “I’m too busy” trap again. 8. Spreading Negativity: We now find that our number one source of news is social media feeds. We share stories of kidnappings, bombings, shootings in real time, which elevates the levels of fear and uncertainty in our world. Before you share an article or photo, ask yourself, how will this impact those who see it? Will they react with fear, hatred or sadness? If the answer is yes, think twice before sharing it. I’m not talking about personal stories of struggle or loss where we are supporting one another and praying for people we know and love. Having been through that myself recently, I am grateful for all who prayed and supported my family and me during a very difficult time. The more love, gratitude and prayers we send out in the Universe, the likelihood of negative news starts to drop. Will you be an ambassador for global peace and love in 2015? I am committed to doing my best along with all of you, and together we will make a difference. Best from TL Group..
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:03:29 +0000

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