A Chinese plane carrying emergency humanitarian supplies for - TopicsExpress


A Chinese plane carrying emergency humanitarian supplies for Sierra Leone arrived in the countrys capital Freetown on Monday afternoon, as part of effort to help the country contain the spread of Ebola. The aid materials which were brought by a special chartered flight from China included personal protective gears, gloves and glasses as well as chlorine and other medicines to help fight the disease. China announced on Sunday it would dispatch three expert teams and medical supplies to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to help the three West African countries fight against the outbreak of the virus. This is the second batch of Ebola relief provided by China to West Africa. China delivered its first batch of supplies in May, mostly for disease prevention, control and treatment, to Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau. Chinese President Xi Jinping sent messages on Sunday separately to Guinean President Alpha Conde, Sierra Leone President Ernest Koroma and Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, expressing sympathy and solicitude for human and economic losses caused by the Ebola outbreak. Receiving the materials on behalf of the President, the government and people of Sierra Leone, the Deputy Minster of Foreign Affairs, Ebun Strasser-King said the Chinese government demonstrated that a friend in need is a friend indeed. She noted that the Ebola took us by surprise and met us when we were ill prepared for it. It is in this vein that the government and people welcome this gesture by the Chinese. She maintained that our friendship has been based on friendship and brotherhood. Representing the Health Ministry, the Deputy Minister Abu Bakar Fofanah reechoed the sentiments of his colleague, noting that the gifts are a milestone in the China-Sierra Leone relation. He commended the Chinese for putting all protocols aside by coming to the immediate help of Sierra Leone. The Ebola virus, which spreads through bodily fluids with those infected, has killed 961 people and affected 1,779 others this year in West Africa, mostly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The World Health Organization warned on Friday that the disease is now a public health emergency of international concern and called for a coordinated international response to stop and reverse the international spread of Ebola. (China.org.cn) 西非埃博拉疫情惡化,美國撤離,中國前往! 🌹 “予人玫瑰,手留余香。” 中國貢獻受到世界矚目! ************************************************************************** 中國已掌握埃博拉病毒抗體基因,派出 3支公共衛生專家前往西非   9日從衛生計生委了解到,我國將派出3支公共衛生專家組分別前往幾內亞、利比裏亞、塞拉利昂三國,對當地防控埃博拉出血熱疫情進行技術援助。   中國疾控中心主任王宇介紹,這是我國首次以公共衛生專家組的形式對外援助。每支專家組由三位專家組成,分別是一名流行病學專家和兩名消殺防護專家。   “由於當地治療藥物欠缺,民眾對病毒知識的缺乏,這幾個國家的疫情目前沒有出現下降的趨勢,急需物資援助和專家的專業指導。”王宇說。據悉,這次專家組攜帶的援助物資將於10日運往上述國家,物資主要包括個人防護用品、環境消殺藥品和治療藥物。   王宇表示,這次派出的專家組主要任務是對當地專業人員進行個人防護、消毒及生物安全等方面的技術培訓,協助做好援助物資的分發工作,同時,指導在非中方人員加強疾病防範工作。   升級為國際關註的突發公共衛生事件   國家衛生計生委科教司副司長王辰日前表示,“我們已經具備了對埃博拉病毒進行及時檢測的診斷試劑研發能力,但是因為沒有病人,沒有辦法在病人身上進行測試。在抗體技術上,我國前期已經有了很好的多元性抗體的制備能力,包括已經掌握了埃博拉病毒的抗體基因,啟動抗體的生產程序不會需要太長的時間。” 世衛官員表示中國應對公共衛生事件經驗值得借鑒   世界衛生組織助理總幹事福田敬二8日說,西非國家可借鑒中國防治H7N9禽流感等公共衛生事件的經驗,增強公共衛生領域投入,應對當前已升級為國際關註的突發公共衛生事件。   截至8月6日,西非國家累計報告病例1779例,死亡961人。其中幾內亞報告495例,367人死亡;塞拉利昂報告717例,298人死亡;利比裏亞報告554例,294人死亡;尼日利亞報告13例,2人死亡。   最新進展:尼日利亞全國進入緊急狀態   據新華社電 尼日利亞總統喬納森8日發表聲明,宣布全國因埃博拉疫情進入緊急狀態,並撥款19億奈拉(約合1160萬美元)用於遏制埃博拉疫情在國內蔓延。   隨著西非埃博拉疫情惡化,美國政府8日開始撤離駐利比裏亞使館的外交人員家屬。   為實施防疫隔離,塞拉利昂埃博拉主疫區——東部省的凱內馬區和凱拉洪區與外界的陸路交通已完全中斷。   而與主要疫情國並不接壤的貝寧也首次報告兩例埃博拉出血熱疑似病例。   阻擊埃博拉的中國力量   此次埃博拉疫情,“嚴重且反常”,全球攜手應對乃當務之急,中國責無旁貸。   阻擊埃博拉,中國物資應急需   埃博拉疫情肆虐的西非諸國,擺脫長期沖突不久,公共衛生系統的脆弱加劇了疫情蔓延。繼4月向幾內亞、利比裏亞、塞拉利昂、幾內亞比紹四國各提供價值100萬元人民幣的防控救治物資後,中國政府7日宣布再向三國提供總價值3000萬元人民幣的緊急人道主義救援物資。   阻擊埃博拉,中國醫生守一線   中國駐幾內亞醫療隊所在的中幾友好醫院接診了幾內亞境內的首位埃博拉患者。盡管該醫院的 9名醫護人員受到了感染,其中 6人已經去世,中國醫療隊隊員仍堅守崗位。在中國援利比裏亞醫療隊所在的利比裏亞首都醫院,埃及與美國的醫生都已全部撤離,而中國醫療隊隊員在做好自我防護的前提下仍在堅持接診。   阻擊埃博拉,中國經驗可借鑒   從“非典”出現到應對H7N9禽流感,中國通過了一次次的疫情“大考”,積累了應對公共衛生突發事件的豐富經驗。此次埃博拉疫情,中國在嚴防疫情進入的同時,也願與他國分享抗疫經驗。“予人玫瑰,手留余香。”中國從世界的發展中汲取進步的動力,也樂於在他國遭遇困難之時回饋溫暖、貢獻力量。在人類共同抗擊災難的鬥爭中,中國貢獻受到世界矚目。 (新華社)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:38:23 +0000

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