A tragic and most unfortunate 2wheeler- Minutes ago, I was - TopicsExpress


A tragic and most unfortunate 2wheeler- Minutes ago, I was cruising short highway in from B.Sunway to Subang Jaya and the back of my exhaust, a VellFire sticking close as if we are in a race. I gently press my pedal to accelerate because The length of the entire stretch of straight road is less than 2 Km, and we will have to negotiate a corner at the end., I was already hitting 120km/h, the VellFire still flashed at me. This guy is nuts! I head into the corner heading to USJ, tap my breaks a bit, took the corner, and vroom away! The VellFire do have a straight road power( It should be a 3.0 liter above) and no way it could take the corner at the same speed as me. I slowed down as the traffic was heavy, still cruising, and there another motorcyclist speeding and tailgate me.. I notice the high speed two wheeler,however I had to also watch my right side lane, another crazy small pick-up mini van, aircond contractor was at a reckless speed. The pickup was also driving really fast. The way he drive he going to crash into the back of the long Q of cars at the traffic light turning to SS19. I saw that the minivan was running out of space, I move my car to the left, giving him room to serve out in case he wanted to move to my lane. Then tragedy strike, I swerve left, the two wheeler whom was tailgating me went straight, the minivan slightly turn to the left, and hit the breaks as he was about to crash into the Q. The minivan had stopped just moments and took up one and half lanes., the motorbiker crash onto the back side left of the minivan.. and fell to the left. There the Vellfire stopped at the far left of a 3 lane road. The VellFire still was racing on. I view all of it through my rear view mirror. By the time I saw the crash, I m already on my way down the slope of the road and the view of the accident descended like the evening sun. I am still cruising my way.. In my many years of driving, I have many times encountered and watched the accident as it happens., and myself had a near death accident. Such incidents reminds me to be always on be on a defensive driving style. The vehicle that you are driving has its limits, and also recognize the other driver cars power and limits. You wanna piss someone off, make sure you can runaway in certain conditions. The rest of the time, just stay calm. Yesterday night, 1am in the morning.. two wheelers on the Federal Highway..was doing Superman at 120km/h. A stunt that has no appreciation from anyone. Note: Stay away from the back of a fast moving heavy vehicles.. Use your HORNS and tell them to move away from your high speed path. They(Transporters) are very very dangerous, as their vehicle cause a vacuum and to fill the air gap, the air will pick up stones, rock, etc and head towards your windscreen!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 06:25:40 +0000

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