AMERICAN WHISLTE BLOWER IN NICARAGUA UNDER ATTACK BY CIA BACKED FORMER CONTRAS AND NICARAGUAN INTELLIGENCIA USING RADIATION TO SLOW KILL WHISTLE BLOWER American Whistle Blower in Central America, Bryan Tew, experiencing abnormally high levels of radiation continuing now at higher levels than before. Anything above 100 CPM is dangerous if exposed at sustained levels of time. When the beeper on the Geiger Counter goes off like it just did earlier it is not a comforting sound. 100 CPM is universally considered the threshold of necessary radiation exposure limits. I am experiencing increasingly sustained high levels of radiation approaching 200 CPM at times and this is not good. CIA doesnt care if others get sick or die just as long as they take out their target. CIA engages in slow kill of targets to make their deaths appear as a natural cause rather than govt. sanctioned assassination and cold blooded murder. Water supply may be contaminated or it may just be the water I receive. Unsure but very worried. CIA operatives told me I was A DEAD MAN in Louisville KY in March of 2013 inside of Panera Café in downtown Louisville KY and they meant it. It is taking an abnormally long time for this video to upload and process to You Tube and that is also a bad sign when you have the CIA & DoD operatives monitoring all of your internet activity. A common tactic of theirs is to drag out the upload so that it doesnt fully process so that the target finally becomes frustrated and pushes the publish button early resulting in the corruption of the upload. I have experienced that tactic many times before I caught on.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 02:06:35 +0000

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