ASUU Strike Should Go On, Until Demands Are Met- Obasi September - TopicsExpress


ASUU Strike Should Go On, Until Demands Are Met- Obasi September 4, 2013 “What shall it profit ASUU to keep the Nigerian Universities Students at Home for 3 Months, and return to Classes without an agreement, only to resume striking at a later date?- Obasi. D. C. Chinedu” As the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government failed to reach an agreement, the strike embarked on by the University lecturers continued, with no end in sight since negotiations have been cut off. Several Nigerians, corporate and civil society groups have begun to mount pressure on the union to reason with the government on its funding demands so that the lingering strike can come to an end, but Mr Obasi. D. C. Chinedu has a different point of View. Having watched the unfolding of events between the Academic Staff Union Of Nigerian Universities, and the Federal Government, Obasi Insists that this strike must go on, until the Union demands are met, so as to prevent a future re-occurence of a similar incidence, because, It would surely re-surface if the Government does not accede to the Union demand. “I would rather, these Nigerians, corporate and civil society groups mounting pressure on the union to redirect these pressures to the government, to accede to the Union’s demand, in order to bring the lingering strike to an end. The Union are seeking a just cause, simply a fulfilment of an agreement the government consciously and Unanimously consented to, 4 years ago. The Union only asked for the implementation of the 2009 Agreement and the 2012 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), both of which stipulate that the government would release N1.4 trillion for the sector in the next three years(its been 4 years since then), but the FG’s offer is way off the amount both parties agreed on four years ago, and are rather seeking a re-negotiation of an agreed term. What has the Union asked for? In 2009, ASUU and the FG agreed that 9 interventions would help: (1) funds to revitalize Nigerian Universities (2) FG assistance to state Universities (3) a Pension Management Committee (4) progressive increase in annual education budget to 26% (5) earned allowances (6) extending retirement age to 70 (7) reinstatement of prematurely dissolved Governing Councils (8) transfer of FG landed property to Universities and (9) setting up of research development council & provision of research equipment to laboratories. These are sincere demands, to which every Nigerian would agree, that this would improve Our Universities as well as the standard of educationin of the country. The fact that over 1.5 Million candidates registered for admissionin to Nigerian institutions of higher learning, ou tof which the NUC stated that only 500,000 of these admission seeking applicants can be admitted is not a good thing. ASUU is seeking for the implementation of an agreement that would enable 2/3 if not all of the 1.5 million admission seeking applicants to be admitted by providing more infrastructures and required academic facilities, so that the National Universities commission, NUC at the next accreditation exercise, can increase the carrying capacity of these Nigerian Universities. So far, The response of the FG is typically short term and expected. The administration that negotiated in 2009 probably wanted ASUU off their backs and made promises they did not intend to keep. This current administration wants to do the same thing; postpone things, of which ASUU has gotten wiser. Rather than accede to the request of the Union, or seek better ways to improve our dying educational sector, the FG Negotiating committee led by Benue state Governor Suswam has accused the striking members of the Union as being unfair to Nigerian University students, while his and other Government Children and benefiting from better education abroad, a situation which ASUU is fighting for the Nigerian children. Suswam insists that the government has taken great strides to meet their demands by agreeing to provide 30bn out of a requested 92bn. Its good for all Nigerian students to note that the Union, ASUU is fighting for the benefits of everyone, and its only ideal we support the Union to finish off this fight and Unresolved issues, once and for all, for if the Union calls of the strike today, without an agreement, There is every possibility that the celebration would be short lived. We have already stayed 3 Months at home, a couple of weeks more won’t make much difference, but would saves us years in the future. Also, all Groups and individuals pleading on ASUU to terminate the ongoing strike for the commencement of academic activities, without any solution to the cause of the industrial action, should prepare for a longer strike few months after it happens.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:35:55 +0000

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