African History Forever.... If you talk to any other child from - TopicsExpress


African History Forever.... If you talk to any other child from any other culture, they can tell you the cultural significance of that culture. They can tell you about the land, resources, political stance, wars, victories, contributions and so on. This is why history of ones self and ones culture is important. We are taught about all European heros and historical contributions but our children never hear about Queen Candance, Hypatia, Queen Tut, Amenhotep IV, Aesop or the Dohemian Female Army....why? Because to know means that our children will learn that there ancestors were the best there ever was. Even in 2014, you or your child has not read about these ancient greats in any public history text. Lets get clear... Black is a color. If we refer to ourselves historically as Black than we have no connection to anything. However Black is important but not for the reason we think. We are connected to our land...and when we neglect to connect ourselves to our historical land, then we neglect to connect to our historical point of reference. Our travels to a america was a forced n brutal voyage not one based on better opportunity. Our ppl werent allowed to keep their language or their culture like all others that have cross the seas to America. So culturally we are displaced n disconnected and the cultural history that we have ADOPTED is the westernized version of an African American. So yes... If we do not learn our own African history, how deep and rich it is...what it means to be African of dark skin, what melanin means, what our thick course hair really mean and so on, we and the generations that champion after us will be lost and aloof...repeating the same shameful cycles...not knowing who they are or their purpose. Am I ...I am African, born in America. Where you was born does not determine your ethnicity or cultural reference, the history of your ppl does.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:00:21 +0000

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