All-Consuming FIRE 1 | P a g e HEBREWS 12: 28 & 29 …FOR OUR GOD - TopicsExpress


All-Consuming FIRE 1 | P a g e HEBREWS 12: 28 & 29 …FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE. This chapter of Hebrews (12) speaks of perseverance. Don’t give up, stay the course, stand firm because… God will shake everything that can be shaken. He rattles our cage so to speak. In order for us to go from glory to glory we must yield to the LORD and let go of those things that are shaken off and need to die. We must yield to our God the all consuming FIRE. Let’s face it; we have a tendency to pick those things up that were shaken off because they are comfortable to us and oh how we like our comfort-zones, amen? Think about it, there is really nothing comfortable about FIRE unless you are at a distance and just feel the warmth from it. ‘For I Myself am to her, declares Yahweh, a wall of FIRE all around, and I will be the glory in her midst.’ Zech 2:5 God purifies us with FIRE to make us ready to reign with Him in His everlasting kingdom, a kingdom without end. When we think of FIRE, certain images come to mind and maybe some thoughts of pain. Dying to our flesh can be quick a painful process; we love it too much, don’t we? There are basically to reasons for FIRE (Biblically speaking) the first is to purify and the second is to destroy. If you take a look at a Bible concordance, there are many instances of FIRE mentioned in scripture. Beloved, press into God, don’t stand back and see the things of God from a distance. Bow your heart in awe, respect, reverence, adoration, fear & trembling for the Great and terrible God wants to consume you. He wants to be you’re all in all, your everything! So what does it mean that our God is an all consuming FIRE? ALL CONSUMING – unquenchableAll-Consuming FIRE 2 | P a g e After looking up the words FIRE and CONSUMING in various Bible Study aides here are the results. The numbers that are listed are from the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. References are either Hebrew or Greek taken from their original meaning in scripture. CONSUME: use up, take completely, engross, total take over (#398) (H) devour, destroy the flesh (#8562) (H) cleanse, purify FIRE: refining, purification, destruction (#5394) (G) ignite, cause to blaze (we are light), set on FIRE, inflame with passion, zeal SCRIPTURE REFERENCES (There are many references of FIRE in the Bible, here are just a few) Matthew 3:11 – He will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with FIRE Hebrews 1:7 – His minister are flames of FIRE Daniel 7:9 & 10 – His throne was flaming with FIRE, a river of FIRE was flowing before Him. Exodus 12:21, Numbers 14:14 – The Israelites were led by a pillar of FIRE 1 Chronicles 21:26 – The God who answers by FIRE Acts 2:1-4 – (Pentecost) tongues of FIRE separated and rested on each of them FIRE has many colors in it and the flame is the hottest in the center, which is blue. See the color reference and their significance below) as we yield to the FIRE of God, we will become over-comers and a light in a dark world. That light will shine brightly and please Him… our all in all. COLORS Orange: purification, warfare Red: Jesus, the blood, redemption White: purity, the Bride of Christ (the Church – remnant) Blue: the heavenly realm, over-comer Gold: deity, purityAll-Consuming FIRE 3 | P a g e As the over-coming Church, His Bride we must offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to those higher FIRES. Let God’s consuming FIRE do its refining process and you will be taken into new realms of glory. Destiny calls…Beloved hear the sound!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:31:14 +0000

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