All Month - Language Enhancing Tips - TopicsExpress


All Month - Language Enhancing Tips - Tweens/Teens... Encourage reading for school and for pleasure in this age group. Reading provides excellent opportunities for vocabulary and sentence structure development even if the book is not classic literature! Read the same books as your teen/tween so you can know what hot topics may need to be addressed and so you can discuss the plot, character development, and other aspects. Encourage journal writing. Remind your teens and tweens that personal thoughts are often best first written for their own eyes before blasting on social media. Getting ideas and thoughts out in a handwritten or electronic journal sometimes take away the desire to actually send to others. Writing is always good language practice. Ask your teen/tween open ended questions, but no so open that they give you a shrug or I dont know and not so specific that they feel you are being too nosey. I like to ask teen clients, What was your favorite part of the party, field trip, movie, etc.? Sometimes asking about highs and lows or best and worst part of your day is a good way to get additional information about school is going, but without your teen feeling too interrogated. Finally, a lot of teens open up at the least expected moment and often while doing other things like washing dishes, playing video games, or shopping for prom dresses. Keep your ears open and be ready to encourage great communication!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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