All, Tuesday night we had 16 people at the track to keep up - TopicsExpress


All, Tuesday night we had 16 people at the track to keep up with our average for the last 7 weeks. The 13 weeks of outdoor track have averaged over 14 runners a week; which means that the 15 that it took so long for us to hit is now basically a normal week for us. Group 1 was led by Scott General Lee and John The Tall, Lanky One Egan. John E. ran the last 800 in 2:53. This was a shorter workout to be done at a little slower pace and Group 1 stuck with that philosophy. Overall the group was probably going a tad slower than I would have liked when I compared them to the other two groups. I will say, though, that Group 1 picked it up in the second half of the workout and overall they ran pretty well. The two Pauls (Whitelam and Vyriotes) generally were a little behind the General and Mr. Egan. Following them was Heather Lane and the Singers, David & son Niles. Niles was there for the first time and ran well. The Singer clan was headed out to California for some vacation time, but the whole family also was running a 5k out there on the 4th and we wish them well. Im sure that they will do the Mystics proud. Alice Beltran was in the back of Group 1 but looked fine. Alice recently had a comeback PR with a sub 23 5k. She has been getting better little by little as her knee gets stronger, and her whole fitness level gets better. I think her improvement can continue as she has a solid running history and a great attitude to boot. Wayne The Beast Dwyer got there late, but actually did more hard stuff than anyone else as he did a hard mile followed by two hard halfs and Wayne was really cooking with times of 6:14, 3:03, and 2:53. The second half of his mile was a 3:01 so when you factor that in and realize that he was doing this pretty much on his own you can see that his effort was really strong. David Greaves, Barry Saunders, and Steve Viegas made up Group 2 and this Group had a really strong workout. It was probably the best Ive seen David Greaves. He has been coming to track regularly, going to the Lake regularly, and you can see that all his hard work is starting to pay off. Usually he might have some part of the workout where he just had to gut through it, but now you can see that his pace is great and that he is strong and can run solidly throughot the workout. I really think there is room for a lot of improvement with David and I think we are just starting to see that. Barry had another good workout. Barry is one of those guys who will always run well. He recovers great from workouts and can run multiple events in a week and run well in all of them. Steve V. had a good week as well. These 3 really worked well together. Their times were consistent, there wasnt much seperation between the 3, and they were only slightly off their normal pace and that is what I had asked for. Everyone was at their pace or slightly below as it was hot and humid, but because I shortened the workout they were able to run pretty hard. Group 3 was led by Shane Waterman. Shane has been improving little by little and he has done a good job leading Group 3. He did mention that it had been a tough work week and that it was a tough night, but I didnt notice that it affected his running much. I think he was working hard and was happy it was a shorter workout, though. Joyce Vyriotes and Jenny Vanasse (the two JVs) both ran really well, again. Joyce was tending to be a little ahead of Jenny but Jenny has been really coming on in the last month. She is continuously closing the gap on the group and at times she is taking the lead on the intervals. I love seeing people work back from injuries or just being off their best because that is what life and running are all about. There are always going to be times when we are kicked to the curb and how we come back from that is what makes us champions and someone to look up to and Jenny V. seems to be doing that the second half of 2014. John Bradley was at the back of this group but he ran great. This was Johns 4 week and in a month his time in the quarter has gone from 2:07 (an 8:28 pace) to 1:54 (a 7:36 pace). And this is with the weather getting hotter and the conditions getting worse. He ran his first quarter in 1:55 and topped it with a last quarter of 1:54. He is finishing right behind the rest of the group when we run the shorter intervals. Longer intervals are a little tougher but John will get there. He has come a long way in a short amount of time and I think the track has been really beneficial to him as he works to stay with the group and he has people to pace with. Happy 4th everyone! Coach Rand
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:51:06 +0000

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