An open letter to our Senators. Dear Sir; I have listened and - TopicsExpress


An open letter to our Senators. Dear Sir; I have listened and read as much as possible before coming to a recommendation. I am retired military so I well know the problems of war. I say war because there is no such thing as a limited engagement. That is a political term created to put the public at ease. Nor am I an “armchair isolationist” as one person suggests. I do believe that Congress has been set up to fail. You are faced with a hard choice and no matter what you decide people are going to die and it will be your fault. What is your mission? Don’t tell me it is to degrade and/or discourage the use of WMDs. That is NOT a target. Surely you don’t plan to drop a tomahawk missile on a WND ammo dump. That would result in uncontained chemical/biological material released into the area. Can you guarantee that innocent civilians will not be injured or killed? What will the consequence be if we use military force? And there will be consequences, deadly ones. If you go into Syria without UN approval then Russia has stated that would be an act of “aggregation.” They too have ships and subs in the area. Do you really believe that they will just sit there an do nothing while we drop missiles and bombs on their ally. They have advisors in Syria. Can you be sure none of them will be killed or injured? Some of those killed or injured could very well be our own troops. The President says, “No boots on the ground” but Secretary Kerry is slow and hesitates to confirm that position. Nor is he willing to state that the President will obey the decision of Congress if they vote NO. Make no mistake, when you loose the dogs of war you never know exactly what will happen. Do nothing and more civilians will be killed. That is the nature of war. It is not a nice and neat process of killing only recognized soldiers. The term is called, “collateral damage.” Syria is in a civil war. Both sides dislike the U.S. and will never be true friends nor allies. Will WMD be used some more? Most probably. When the evidence is heavy enough then the U.N. can move on it. Let another Nation take the lead. There are American allies who do not like the idea of intervention. To be honest I do not trust the Administration to tell the whole truth. Is it possible that the rebels set off the chemical attack to get outside help? The President keeps coming back to hundreds of children killed. That is an emotional button that he pushes to get people to do what he wants. He doesn’t complain of the American children murdered in the womb by Planned Parenthood. In fact he glorifies it. He wants military action for the civilians killed in Syria yet he ignored our Ambassador being murdered. It would appear that he knows more about what happened in Syria than he does about Benghazi, fast & furious, IRS, NSA, etc. I find that highly suspicious. And finally, who is going to pay for this? War is expensive. I suspect the President plans for the Troops to pay for it by taking the .8% pay raise cut and apply that to the cost of war. If you are wise you will take your lead from Kenny Roger’s song, “You gotta know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em, know when to walk away, know when to run…”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 23:55:52 +0000

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