Apostle George created a doc. 22 hrs America, Wake Up! - Day 4: - TopicsExpress


Apostle George created a doc. 22 hrs America, Wake Up! - Day 4: Special July 4 edition America, Wake Up! - Celebrating 238 Years of Human Excellence Romans 12:15 sets the tone for our prayer focus today: Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Today is celebrated as a special day in the United States of America. It is the 238 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress chaired by John Hancock of Massachusetts which formally severed relationship of the 13 original colonies in the New World from the Government of His Majesty, King George III on July 4, 1776 in the city of Philadelphia. We all may have our varying opinions about United States of America, especially its present moral state but let that not prevent us from acknowledging that the nation has also achieved so much in so short a space of time: 238 years. It is negativity at its worst to not see something good in people or nations, even when the evidence is so compelling. In a world where billions are in formal or informal servitude to fascist rulers or absolute monarchies; where Communism and Socialism exalts nations above individual liberty, there is no doubt that the American experiment in nation building which guarantees individual freedom and liberty has been a roaring success for natural humans! For saints, there can be no excuse to behave as if because the nation is not what we expect, then it deserves scorn, condemnation and evil pronouncements. What is required on a day like this is to give Caesar his due: acknowledge the reality that this is the Chief Nation of this last generation, recount some of the things Elohim allowed it to achieve in spite of national sins and celebrate with others! If you are an American on this day, do good to those who cannot repay you. Making food and clothing available to the hungry and homeless would be a great idea or indeed any other act of charity Holy Spirit lays on your heart. Above all, thanksgiving meetings in homes and church buildings to worship Elohim and give praise is a great thing to do. Speak life and prophesy the counsel of Elohim over the land will achieve more results and change than to grumble and express bitterness!Courtesy of research assistance from Apostle Lytandra of Texas and Minister Stephanie of Illinois, we will share some facts concerning USA and contextualize them. Let us look back at the Timeline to Declaration of Independence (culled from Loc.gov)· June 7Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, receives Richard Henry Lees resolution urging Congress to declare independence.· June 11Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston appointed to a committee to draft a declaration of independence. American army retreats to Lake Champlain from Canada.· June 12-27Jefferson, at the request of the committee, drafts a declaration, of which only a fragment exists. Jeffersons clean, or fair copy, the original Rough draught, is reviewed by the committee. Both documents are in the manuscript collections of the Library of Congress.· June 28A fair copy of the committee draft of the Declaration of Independence is read in Congress.· July 1-4Congress debates and revises the Declaration of Independence.· July 2Congress declares independence as the British fleet and army arrive at New York.· July 4Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence in the morning of a bright, sunny, but cool Philadelphia day. John Dunlap prints the Declaration of Independence. These prints are now called Dunlap Broadsides. Twenty-four copies are known to exist, two of which are in the Library of Congress. One of these was Washingtons personal copy. Great sacrifices were made were made by the founding Fathers who burnt the mid-night oil and worked tirelessly to set the stage for the Declaration of Independence based on the draft presented by Thomas Jefferson as proposed by John Adams, a leader of influence in the revolution. The forgotten truth: America is a ‘youth’ nation! Many people tend to look at America as an ‘old nation. The reality is that it is rather a ‘Youth’ nation! According to Ask, here are the independence days for some countries older that America so that the great strides of the nation in 238 years can be appreciated. 660 BCE – before Yahshua, Jesus came to the earth, Japan was founded and is now 2,674 years old! 221 BCE – China was born as a nation before Yashua came to this earth and is now 2,235 years old! 301 CE - San Marino – the tiny Principality overshadowed by Italy is now 1,713 years old 843 CE – France, the oldest continuous republic, is now 1,171 year old 976 CE – Austria, an European democracy that was once a Monarchy is now 1038 years old. These are other national holidays of various nations: 10th Century CE – Denmark; 1001 – Hungary; 1143 – Portugal; 1206 – Mongolia; 1238 – Thailand; 1278 – Andorra; August 1, 1291 – Switzerland; 1419 – Monaco; 15th Century – Spain; 1502 - Iran June 6, 1523 – Sweden; January 23, 1579 – Netherlands; 1650 - Oman January 23, 1719 – Liechtenstein; 1768 – Nepal. Great Britain, mother of America, had lived in various degrees of nationhood but was organized as United Kingdom on May 1, 1707. geography.about/od/lists/a/independenceday.htm. Here is another link that had some interesting facts regarding some of the countries included above: geography.about/od/politicalgeography/a/Oldest-Country-In-The-World.htm Bastion of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Opportunity & Justice From the time the nation was being defined by the two forces who played leading roles in its emergence as a nation – Christians and the Occult - there was agreement on a number of things which were incorporated into the Preamble of the Constitution which states, inter alia: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” 1. It would be a democratic nation where the people exercise considerable power to elect who they pleased into public office and remove such elected people through due process; 2. It would be a land of Freedom and Liberty such as was not experienced in Europe. Let us remember that most of Europe as at then had Monarchies where individual liberty was constrained by the State and Crown. America was designed to be different. 3. It was to be a land of Unlimited Opportunity for an egalitarian society so that any one could rise to whatever height he or she desired. In Europe where most of the Founding Fathers had their roots, opportunities were limited either by inherent class systems of Monarchies or controls put in place by the State. 4. It was to be a land where Justice and Equity would ensure that no individual, because of birth or pedigree, would live above the law and that one set of laws would apply to every one. The nation has become a true bastion of these values in the earth realm. In that capacity, it encourages, catalyses and sometimes imposes these values on nations within its sphere of influence, even when the enabling environment cannot sustain real democracy as has been exhibited in North Africa and the Middle East. The Arab Spring and destabilizing effects of the removal of autocrats such as Sadaam Hussein and Mummar Ghadafi in Iraq and Libya respectively show that you cannot transplant democracy and Western values lock, stock and Barrel! Melting Pot – an Immigrant nation Before the explorers and colonial settlers appeared, America was home to myriads of Native tribes. From the beginning of the process which led to its independence, America was a melting pot of people from various European national back grounds. There were the English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and various Nordic people; German and later the Irish, Polish and various Slavic people. With the Slave Trade, Africans were brought in and their descendants now make up 20 percent of the electorate. The doors of the nation were later opened to immigrants at various times over the years. Some were fleeing famine and poverty, seeking opportunities for economic prosperity while others sought Freedom and Liberty. America also offers asylum to persecuted people fleeing tyranny from across the world. The spiritual significance of this melting pot character of the nation will be explored in the next lesson. US World Police Man Following the collapse of the old Soviet Union, the United States is today, the only Super power on earth. As world Police man, the beginning of wisdom of many nations and entities is to avoid a confrontation with this behemoth. In a real sense, Elohim has also used this facility to keep the atavistic tendencies of nations and cultures at bay. The US Treasury Department and the Justice Department are dreaded by Bankers, Money launderers and Heads of State and leading political, social and economic figures world-wide. Whoever they blacklist is in trouble with little immunity. It does not matter whether a bank is located in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America or indeed anywhere else, once it enters the Treasury Department’s bad books, business will no longer be as usual. European mega banks such as BNP Paribas, HSBC, Barclays among others have paid staggering fines for breaching laws. To secure the right to do business in the United States represents a dream come through for many commercial, industrial and intellectual entities world-wide. The regulatory standards by the Food and Drug Administration, Commerce Department and other agencies are deemed like license to wealth. US Military Strength Versus leading nations With the various strategic formations and Commands whose commanders are battle tested that can field over 1.3m troops, Navy, Air force and special forces in various wars world-wide, the US has a unique capability for military prowess that is often under rated by its critics. As at 2013, the nation spent nearly 5 percent of the national GDP estimated at $554.2 billion and another provision of $88.5 billion on the military. Even though China’s People Liberation Army now has more active duty troops, the 1,369, 532 highly trained troops and 850,880 reserve personnel of the military causes other nations of the world to know better than to provoke the United States whose motto says it is the land of the Brave and the Free. Bravery is thus celebrated in America with whole cities built around military families and military-industrial complexes. In the past 25-40 years, China has sustained investments in its military to the degree that on paper it appears to be at par with America on several indices for measuring military strength. Unfortunately, most of the Peoples Liberation Army, its Air force, Navy and arsenal are not battle tested. China is further limited by the reality that it can only fight an effective war from its main land. The role of the Chinese military in end time events is projected to manifest during the Great Tribulation. 1. USA vs China en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_US_and_Chinese_Military_Armed_Forces 2. USA vs Russia nationmaster/country-info/compare/Russia/United-States/Military Intellectual Giant America has some of the finest universities and research institutes in the world. The outcome of their work, sacrifices and investments have positively impacted the world in the fields of Medicine, Science, technology and many other areas of life. Nobel Prizes The Nobel Prize is humanity’s highest award in the earth realm. The U.S. has won a total of 347 Nobel prizes, the last three for economics. Americans have won the most prizes, next in line is Britain with 120. Other national figures are: 120 Germany 104 Africa 16 Asia 49 Australia 22 Russia 27; Middle East 20; Switzerland 26; Sweden 30; France 65; other Anglophone nations 39; East Europe 58; Japan 19 other Asia nations 30. Standard of Living Generally American enjoy better standard of living than most nations except some of the tiny nations of Europe and wealthy Arab nations. That these and much more have happened in 238 years entitles Americans and their friends world-wide to celebrate today, shout ‘Happy July Fourth’ to each other. Let us rejoice with America and Americans! Please join us tomorrow on DayBreak with the King on 267-507-0240 and enter access code 580374 by 4.00am CT| 5.00am ET| 10.00am GMT to continue this series on America, Wake Up!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:27:56 +0000

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