As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah wabarakatuh, There is a - TopicsExpress


As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah wabarakatuh, There is a sister in Pennsylvania in need of assistance and I have opened a GoFundMe account, on her behalf, for her request. I am not sure if this type of request is allowed in your Facebook group, so I wanted to contact you first before posting, if it is, please post this appeal on her behalf in the group and (if possible) on your facebook wall. Jazakumullaahu khayra. gofundme/eglrow Bismillaahi ar Rahmani ar Raheem. As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah wa barakatuhu, I have just come into information that one of our sisters are in need of assistance. There is a sister in Pennsylvania in need of help. I have opened a GoFundMe account, on her behalf, for her request since she only has limited access to the internet. She recently lost her job (she had to quit because of Riba associated with the job) and has been actively looking for work, unfortunately she has been unable to find work. Her strongest employment skills are in that field where Allaah has cursed the ones who participate in it and she is attempting to look elsewhere. Her maintainer (her husband) committed a crime sufficient for him to been sent to prison and is now serving his time. She is currently in iddah, so she has lost her main source of maintenance. My dearest brothers and sisters in Islam, I know I have asked so much from you already and I will continue to make the sincerest of dua for all of those that have helped in various appeals from our sisters varying communities across the United States and I pray that you keep me in your adiyaa. Rabbighfirlee wa tub 3alayya innaka Anta at Tawwaab al Ghafoor. Oh My Lord, forgive me and accept my repentance, for indeed you are The Forgiver of sins and The One who accepts Repentance. She now has the responsibility of attempting to keep roof over her head, food in her stomach, and attempt to go to job interviews, when the opportunities arise for her. She has dwindled all of her savings in the attempt to maintain herself (while she is in iddah) and is unable to continue to pay for rent and utilities. She has gone to her local masaajid for zakah and sadaqah, only to hear that they have barely enough to cover the costs to maintain the building and utilities themselves. So I ask you all for your assistance in helping our sister. She is our sister, our daughter, our mother, our aunt who can be in the same situaton. She is currently in a building that does not provide heat for the tenants, owned by a Muslim and in all technical terms -illegal. Unfortunately, with bad credit and no constant source of income, she is unable to find another unit to rent and this is her only option before homelessness. She is afraid to contact any officials for fear that they will close down the building and she will be rendered homeless. If she does not pay the reduced rent that she owes the landlord, she will be rendered homeless (he will lock her out). ***NOTE: I am requesting on behalf of our sister, due to her shyness, she has revealed her landlords information to me and my husband and myself have personally called and verified through her landlord that her rent is overdue. Verifying news is of the Sunnah and the responsibility of the Muslims and I have done due diligence in response to this request for our dear sister*** We are requesting a total of $1600, to cover her costs of rental maintenance, utilities and personal items (food, hygiene products), for 2 months, until she is able to find work or other assistance. Her Rent and bills are as follows: Rent: $650 per month Electric: $75 per month (approximate because of radiator heat) Water: NONE Cooking Gas: $15 per month Transportation/Food/Hygienic Products: $60 per month The sister has an account through Paypal. The paypal email address associated with her account is: hadiha@gmail $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 whatever you can give. It will only take $10 from 160 people to help her achieve this request. That isnt even a dent in the percentage of Muslim population. Firstly and most importantly, make dua for our sister and then if you are capable, please give in any amount. Turn down that Starbucks coffee for a day, that McDonalds lunch meal, that purse or pair of shoes and please give to your sister who is in dire straits and need. He who relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of Judgment. He who makes easy what is difficult, Allah will make it easy for him in the world and the Hereafter.... [Sahih Muslim, Book 35, Number 6518] HOW TO GIVE VIA PAYPAL- Go to this link: https://paypal/webapps/mpp/send-money-online And follow the following 3 steps ________________________________________________ Step 1: Type in address to send to: hadiha@gmail and type your email address in the from section Step 2: Select This is for Friends or Family (to prevent surcharges) Step 3: Log in to your PayPal account or Sign Up for a PayPal account. Select Personal and enter your information. FYI It is FREE to sign up for PayPal. There is no monthly subscription. It takes less than 5 minutes. If you are overseas where they do not allow PayPal and need to send it to her via Western Union or Money Gram or bank transfer, please feel free to inbox me and I will provide her information. I can be contacted at ummayyub@live. My husband also monitors this email, so he will respond to any males. May Allaah bless you all and increase us all. Ameen! May Allaah purify your wealth in giving sadaqah to our sister and allow it to be an expiation for your sins. Ameen! **Since this is not my personal request, I will update periodically and then delete the appeal when the goal has been reached. May Allaah reward you all with goodness. Ameen.**
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 20:13:53 +0000

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