B E N E F I T S O F P O W E R Y O G A - Body Awareness - TopicsExpress


B E N E F I T S O F P O W E R Y O G A - Body Awareness - Knowing where your body is in space and how it’s oriented is not only good for your day to day health and well-being, but it also becomes extremely important in Olympic level lifts. When your coach tells you to “Stick your butt out when you squat!” or “Keep your shins vertical!” knowing how that feels and being aware of that will be critical to actually getting in the right position to perform the lift. Body awareness matters. - Strength/Core Strength - Yoga isn’t going to up your back squat PR by 20kg, but it will help you develop strength and muscle endurance. Some of the positions that you hold are quite challenging and will leave you sore the next day just like a good WoD. - Flexibility - This seems to be a given, but notice how much Yoga movements reflect the mobility movements you are more than likely already doing pre and/or post WOD. These exercises will help to stretch out your muscular system and become more flexible. - Focus - In Yoga there is a strong emphasis on creating a focal point that doesn’t move so you stay consistent while you’re moving. This technique of setting a steady focus helps tremendously with Olympic lifting, double unders, box jumps, and toes to bar, just to name a few. - P O W E R Y O G A @ C F W B - Crossfit Wellbeing and TrueBeing Yoga have come together to offer this great deal! $105 for Power Yoga - 7pm every Tuesday for 7 weeks! As a bonus deal, we are also offering a 2 week FREE Crossfit Wellbeing trial for any non-member who signs up to the Power Yoga classes! **Classes Start Tuesday 4th November - Contact Alex to book your spot before it fills up!**
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:42:37 +0000

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