BEREFT OF FILIAL AFFECTION What could be more depressing? What - TopicsExpress


BEREFT OF FILIAL AFFECTION What could be more depressing? What could be more disheartening? What could be more dehumanizing? What could precipitate dejection and despondency faster? What could send a cold sensation down ones spine, on getting out of bed at dawn? What could induce hypotonia and gastrointestinal upset, when the physiology of ones body systems indicates normalcy? What could blunt and jade ones appetite, when one is actually hungry? What could induce the feeling of hunger, even after having a bellyful of a sumptuous and tantalizing meal? What could induce low self-esteem into ones psyche and cause ones head to hand down in despair, when it should be held up with confidence? What could initiate a feeling of solitude and forlorn, on catching the glimpse of a neighboring family expressing camaraderie? What could cause one to metamorphose into a social recluse even in the midst of gregarious folks? What could induce a sense of insecurity and thoughts of the way out, when ones imaginations become overwhelmed by the feelings of something untoward looming? What could induce the impulse to deliberately occlude ones heartbeat, in order to be launched into oblivion, with the memory of ones life experiences expurgate? What could it be, if not the experience of being bereft of filial affection? Its such a killing experience. The whole world would seem to be tottering and caving in on one, with props apparently failing to brace the crumbling edifice, whose existence is the psyche, but exerts its influence on the jacket of the psyche. Ones life would then appear to be tearing apart; While the courage to piece the flying fragments together becomes increasingly difficult to muster. Hmm!!! I had thought I was very valiant and hard bitten; I had thought I could take the psychological and social impacts of this stuff, without buckling under its influence. Apparently, my thoughts were parochial. Was it a deliberate severance? Obviously not, it was an inevitable one. Well, with the cards now laid on the table, Ive got to adapt; Ive got to learn to circumvent the impact of the experience. Filial affection!!! Its indeed impregnated with a lot of psychological panaceas, that are needed for the fortification of ones psyche, until the time is ripe for natural severance I recall once, in the throes of the experience, when I began to muse on the events of my life; Then I heard my thoughts reverberating with increasing intensity. Suddenly, my musing translated into soliloquy. Then with a gruff voice and trembling lips, I soliloquized thus: How so stern life is! How so inclement lifes circumstances are! How so turbulent lifes ocean is! How so boisterous the storms of life are! Could this be the predestination of fate? Could this be the fabrication of some metaphysical influence, aimed at overriding and subverting the course of destiny? These thoughts weighed down heavily on my mind; Those moments I spent reflecting on them were sore awful. Then came a new era in my life, the era of divine knowledge; I got to know how the world actually operates; It was one of the sequels of my encounter with Jesus, the son of God. Oh! What an exhilarating moment of relief and equanimity it was. Then I knew my destiny reposes in my hands; It dawned on me, that it is incumbent on me to chart the course of my life with my mouth; It became crystal clear to me that I can become anything I desire, and achieve whatever dream i can conceive, its loftiness and grandeur notwithstanding. Its been years down this new path; Its , however, awe-inspiring to see that Im still standing tall, weathering the storms, and converting the encumbrances on my path to springboards for levitating to new levels of greatness and successes. By Arinbomen Star.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:00:19 +0000

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