~ BIG HANDMADE ORGONITE/ORGONE/TACHYON GARNET DRAGON & HIS FEA ~ 100 X 52 X 60 MM & 53 X 42 X 53 MM ~ together € 55,00 ex. shipping ~ newborn skull ~ contains 50 50 organic / non organic, lemurian seed point crystals, crystal quartz, selenite, rozequartz,granat, .added alluminium, copper, metals,silver-plated symbols like hearts, pearls spirals, dragons.... & tachyon energy as well as being Neo magnetised which makes this an awesomely powerful skull About Orgonite: · Turns negative energy into positive energy. · Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water, ends drought. · Helps plants grow better, repel pests & require less water. · Mitigates harmful effects of EMF radiation. · Disarms and repels predatory forms of life. · Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods. · Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares. · Helps awaken your innate psychic senses. What is tachyon energy? In Quantum Physics, the formless, unlimited, faster-than-light energy that fills the creation is called Zero Point. Zero Point energy possesses infinite intelligence, and contains all the information needed to create perfect form. It has no spin, frequency, or gravitational pull. The condensation, or particalisation, of Zero Point energy is Tachyon energy. Tachyon energy has all the qualities of Zero Point energy, but it has form. The condensation of Zero Point energy is the first step in the energetic continuum, which is responsible for all forms on the planet. How do tachyons interact with the body? Every atom, molecule, cell, and organ of the body has a Subtle Organizing Energy Field, or SOEF, which exists just below the speed of light, and which cannot exceed the speed of light. Tachyon energy, which is faster than light, and the source of all frequencies, easily interacts with the SOEFs, organizing and energizing them. (Tachyon energy is thus the link between the world of form and the formless!) All forms are made up of different frequencies. The SOEFs convert the Tachyon energy into whatever frequencies are needed to create balance. Tachyon energy can invite balance no matter where in the energetic continuum an imbalance or state of energetic disorganization occurs. Disorders in the body are related to disorders in the energetic continuum. Healthy physical form has its basis in a healthy energetic flow. Since Tachyon energy is not itself a frequency, it cannot create any unwanted side effects. What can be experienced using tachyon energy? The use of Tachyon energy normally results in natural detoxification, increased vitamin and mineral absorption, increased physical stamina and energy, enhanced meditation, increased brain function, increased emotional balance, a decrease in general pain symptoms, and an increase in well-being and quality of life. Tachyon energy does not heal, but provides the energy for the body to heal itself
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:13:17 +0000

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