BOKO HARAM IS NOT A CIA OPERATION - BOKO HARAM IS ARABISM Boko Haram is NOT some western ploy to invade Africa and NO they do not work for any CIA or any other western boogie man. Boko Haram and hundreds of other Islamist terror organizations have been capturing and enslaving other Africans for over fourteen hundred years. You guys better read some books about the Islamic Slave trades in Africa and stop blaming whitey because Africa has a much greater enemy than Europe and that enemy is Arabia. Islamic groups have been murdering and enslaving Africans long before America was ever discovered, over 100 million Africans were enslaved by Islamic groups and sold in the slave markets at Zanzibar and sent into Arabia before 1492 so stop blaming white folk for your own dirty laundry. Apparently many of you think life in Africa was perfect before whites invaded, WRONG, there was mass enslavement and forced migrations for hundreds of years before the Europeans showed up and started buying Africans during the 1400s at the well established slave markets which already existed since the seventh century. Africans selling other Africans into slavery is nothing new and the CIA nor anyone else is behind it, Negros have been betraying and selling each other into slavery on their own for hundreds of years. The Dahomey and the Ashanti were two of the biggest slave trading empires in the history of the world. Your ancestors were captured and sold to white folk by African slave traders, the Ashanti even fought two wars to ensure the slave trade continued, and there was no such thing as the CIA back hen. All of the Great West African Empires were destroyed by Islamist African groups, Mali, Ghana, Songhai and others were each destroyed by Islamic African zealots in the 1500s, and there was no CIA in the 1500s BOKO HARAM IS COMPLETE AND TOTAL ARABISM When talking about Arabism and Slavery we are not talking about ancient history. We are not talking about the middle ages, Slavery is alive and well in several parts of Africa and the middle east, as a matter of historical fact slavery was legal in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca until 1964 so when we talk about Arabism and slavery we are talking about current events.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 20:02:55 +0000

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