BROTHERS DONT ADD ME/ BROTHERS DONT INBOX ME __________________________ I hope all of you have seen these status often on FB. have you ever seen even once of twice that some brothers chanting SISTERS DONT ADD ME, SISTERS DONT INBOX ME. I am not saying that i m with every sister who does this.. i m not here to judge others intentions BUT do we brothers have little bit shame left? I myself can testify that just because of word Firdous used in my name (no matter how clearly I post on each and every persons wall that I am Male and your brother in Islam) many brothers come to my inbox just because of this name as shyataan has captured their hearts and eyes too that they cannot see nor can understand. There is something else too destination which makes it more clear that its not my Name and I have clearly mentioned on my timeline that I am male. still they come and I feel really ashamed the way they try to use Islam as an excuse. The way they talk the way they act the way they try asking questions.. I ask you. yes YOU who like to get Islamic knowledge from sisters.. YOU are a male and can go anywhere in the world to get knowledge to get answers of your questions why the heck do you need to go to a sister to ask questions that you dont dare to ask on their timeline.. if that question is private then you have no reason to ask her and that makes it worst. A couple of days ago a sister asked me why your friends are sending me requests as you are the only one friend I have in Mutual with them? now she is feeling shy to even comment on my post just because of those comments some people see her name and profile picture.. if she is not wearing Niqab and using her picture in hijab, does it make permissible for you to just go and follow her? is it kind of invitation for you? Not only this but some brothers send me good islamic posts and when they get to know that I am male, suddenly they disappear.. dont these people have respect for Islam when they surely dont have self respect... JUST STOP THESE THINGS.. at least stop using name of Islam.. Islam beautify our lives and A way to get Jannah in rewards. look what are you earning from it. those sisters are yelling everywhere not to inbox but they dont stop and that very post use to become a group chat. if we tell a sister very politely that we are not open for personal chat.. because of their self respect they just stop.. look what we males are doing.. DONT MAKE ISLAM A WEAPON TO PLEASE SHAYTAAN. YOU WANT TO GO PERSONAL JUST DO IT STRAIGHT AND IF YOU GET REFUSAL THEN STOP. JazakAllahu khairan kaseera for reading.. I hope the one who had doubts in mind wont do it anymore.. IN Shaa Allah..
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 16:46:03 +0000

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