Being Whole With My Beloved Within My Heart, Within My Being Is - TopicsExpress


Being Whole With My Beloved Within My Heart, Within My Being Is The Sacred Divine Union That I Have Been Longing For, The Most Blissful Joyous WHOLENESS! -Lea Goldman Freedom From Limitation In the Bliss of Sacred Union and Eternal Love, the Beloved, is held in Grace, in the Sacred Union, within your Sacred Heart. How many desire this Union~ with another, yet have not experienced any Union, within themselves? How then is it possible, to live in Separation Consciousness, separated from ones desires and Eternal Self, and Yet experience Union? This constant futile search, for “things” outside oneself, to fill this VOID,internally, is a search that results in the “endless” search. For when One experiences Union within, all things that appear outside of oneself, then align themselves, with this Union within. For the reflection, always matches the true consciousness within, which is a constant vibrating frequency, sending out your signal, as a faithful, TRUTH, of what is, within. So why this? why Now? Avoiding or attempting to escape, the true nature of How your reality is creating itself, keeps ones awareness in separation consciousness, which is victim consciousness. Everything is this way or that way, THAT is why I am not happy, etc. When YOU are WILLING to TRULY See, that which you have created, and are creating, you naturally OPEN your Heart wide to the True empowerment, of your Power, which you are always using, and to which, you begin TO USE IN A CONSCIOUS loving Way. Will you See? Will you Begin? To Be conscious in a way, that consciously uses your Power, and looks deeply into, your own insecurities, which are only areas DESIRING acceptance and Love from YOU. When you begin to see it was always ONLY you, that has held you back, and that YOU do have the power to change WITHIN yourself, and that this changes how you experience your life and the very experiences themselves, you free yourself from your self-imposed set of limitations, you have developed, to prevent yourself from SEEING. Within you is an eternal reservoir of Abundance of Everything that you Heart Desires. It’s activation within you, is the opening of your Heart, which lifts you out of the perceived limitations, of your Earth Existence, and opens the Portal, to your Sacred Presence, announcing AS YOUR Vibration, the eternal Divine Plan and Highest Destiny of your life Plan to Begin. So the question is, do you desire limitation or freedom from any limitation? It is Only through the Union, within your Heart, that Your True Desires play out, AS the Freedom and Soaring to Great Heights, that was always, simply, awaiting your attention, upon it. Will you enter your Heart more deeply? Do you know what this means? Taking your attention away from the problems of the world and your life (limitations) and Placing your attention on the Silence of your Heart. On the Sacredness of your Heart. On the Sacredness of Divine Union. On Your Beloved, that you have never been separated from. Hard to believe? Good thing, as holding NO BELIEFS is the only way to enter. Simply child like OPENNESS, is the way to enter. Quiet your mind. DECIDE who is in charge? Your Relentless mind chatter that speaks only of limitation, or YOUR HEART that KNOWS NO LIMITATION. You Desire it All? True Love, Freedom and Abundance? Ascension? Enter your Heart, enter your Divine Life Plan, consciously. For when you truly Surrender to your Heart, all you will know will be the Joy and Bliss of your Eternal Soul, your Light, your Divinity. Let go of seriousness, enter PLAY and JOY through your Heart. There, in the Bliss of the Moment, you will find me. I am There, waiting for your Entrance. In the Beloved is the true freedom, in the Union, through the Heart, of All That is, All That You Are, All That you Desire. In this Sacred Garden, I am There, feel me, My Beloved, for I always, have been for you, I am eternally, Yours, your Breath is mine, my breath, is Yours, we are One. Full Post: iamthequeenoflight/…/12/29/freedom-from-limitat…/ Laura Pleiadian THE LOVE UNION IS WITHIN
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:04:57 +0000

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