Being a Great Nation like we would be an American State within the - TopicsExpress


Being a Great Nation like we would be an American State within the Union of the United States of America, we will attain greatness and affor each of our citizens the lavish, comfort,, health and availability of amenities that every working family and individual in America will be: We will have car in every garage (two or more); Affordable and luxury homes of or own;Dining Table with Fried Chicken and Fruit Bowls and Salads to go.... Nice warm clothes on our back; Food in our stomach.... Safe shelters and havens... Let Our Country Protect the Integrity of our Educational Attainment by Creating Multi Lateral and Parity Agreemenet on Education and Employment Placements Overseas and Abroad that our Schools and University Credentials and Licenses will be Equal, recognized, accredited and accepted universally when we accept migrant trades of brain power to the foreign host countries wherever they maybe globally, so as to retain the respect, trust and confidence that our Educational Systems are second to none and that the rights of our citizens are preserved and respected worldwide: LET US IMPROVE OUR AGRICULTURAL WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS NATIONWIDE AND INSTALL MODERN AGRICULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURES THROUGHOUT OUR FARMING COMMUNITIES AND BETTER DEVELOP WAYS TO HAVE THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS AND SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL USE AND APPLICATION OF SUCH TECHNOLOGIES. LET US BUILD WATER TANKS INFRASTRUCTURES WITH POWER HOUSES IN EVERY COMMUNTY, EVERY BARANGAY, EVERY CITY, EVERY PROVINCE, EVERY AGRICULTURAL COUNTY, EVERY MUNICIPALITY EVERY ISLAND, EVERYWHERE SO AS TO BOOST WATER SUPPLIES, AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION AND BETTER SANITIZE OUR COUNTRY FROM THE INVASIVE PATHOGENS THAT THRIVE WITH DIRT AND UNSANITARY CONDITIONS REYES FOR PRESIDENT 2016 Updated 9 seconds ago LET US BUILD MORE SHIPS AND EXPAND OUR SHIPBUILDING CAPABILITIES AND BUILD SHIPYARDS INFRASTRUCTURES IN FINE HARBORS OF LUZON, VISAYA AND MINDANAO, ALLOWING FOR THE MULTIPLICATION OF SUBIC NAVAL SHIPYARDS AND CREATING SOME AT QUEZON PROVICE, VISAYAN REGIONS, MINDANAO ISLANDS AND THE TIP OF APPARI AND SAN FERNANDO, LA UION AREAS.. My Fellow country men and women: Let us expand and develop our untap resources in our Island Stratch Archipelago and Stop over exploiting the saturated and overly exploited Metropolis of Manila: Our country had over 7,77 islands and islets where over 95% of such remain untapped, uninhabited, unexploited and under utilized. We can do more to expand the stretches of progress and development into those areas so that we can better build our Great Nation into a nation of Abundance and Plenty without overcrowding: LET US ENACT ZONING LAW COMPARABLE TO THE GREAT ADVANCED NATIONS OF THE WORLD AND FOLLOW THEM TO THE T LET US MULTIPLY THE DUTY FREE SHOPPERS THROUGHOUT THE ISLAND ARCHIPELAGO SO AS TO MAKE EVERY IMPORTS GOODS AVAILABLE AND ACCESSIBLE TO OUR CITIZENS AT THE LEAST MINIMAL FEE THEREBY IMPROVING THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE AND AVAIL THEMSELVES OF ALL AMENITIES THAT LIFE HAD TO OFFER. LET US MULTIPLY AND DEPLOY MORE PIERSIDES FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURES AND ENHANCE OUR PORT AUTHORITIES ABILITY TO ACCOMMODATE INTERNATIONAL SHIPS FOR THEIR REST AND RECREATION AND LOGISTICS REPLENISHMENTS SO AS TO IMPROVE OUR COMMERCE AND TRADES AND MAKE US INTO A WORLD CLASS PORT OF EMBARKATIONS AND DEBARKATIONS FOR MARITIME SEAFARERS AND SEAGOING VESSELES. Join me and our Cultural Heritage and Legacy to BECOME A GREAT NATION AGAIN! We can redeem our status as a Great Nation of Being Equal Before the Eyes of the Law by restoring our faith in God, and the status of being a United States Territory again! REYES WILL MAKE THAT HAPPEN WITH YOUR HELP, SO HELP US GOD! Every individual is BORN FREE, endowed with inalienable rights to freedom, and the right to life, liverty, property and the pursuit of happiness. The Freedom to Travel and go about moving is as basic as the rights of the Tribes people and the Cave Men. The Biased injustices of the Jones Act and the Tydings McDufie Law and the Philippine Organic Act/Philippine Independent Act of the 1930s were all launch to get even with our late President Manuel Luis Quezon, and the results were a lasting deprivation of Filipino American Freedom to move and travel without being shackled with indentured servitude on a lasting basis and the only way to restore that individual freedom is by restoring our status as United States Trust territory, thereby amending and repealing the Injustices of unconstitutional acts of United States Congress during the 1930s and declaring them NULL AND VOID as they did not fulfill the requirements of such Acts due to the outbreak of World War II. Now is the time for all young men and women to come to Reyes for President in 2016 and beyond supports having REYES as our President for better and Good! PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ARTURO PACHECO REYES Pledges the Philippines United States Trust Territory GREATNEScome to the aid of their country! Reyes will provide and deliver justices and self sufficiency for all her people with redemption of being BORN FREE ONCE MORE without being an indentured servant in their own Island Fortress of the Philippines once, he won and get to restore the Ole Glory of being A United State Commonwealth and government, thereby enjoying liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness as the citizenry of bative born forgottten FIL Americans were left neglected, isolated and shackled in the Island Fortress of Monkeys and Sub Standards Quality of Life. REYES claims that if and when Manuel Luis Quezon and Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal had put claims to the Freedom and Independence of the local indigenous group like these over 110 million homo sapiesn, then someone intelligent enough without being a Rocket Scientist, could figure out how we, as a People and a Nation of Great Nation can live for over a century of unimprovished life style ---where the rich people with Political Dynasty-Clubs could get richer and welathier; while the poor common class people get poorer everyday because of False and Bad Culture and Mentality of Spoon Feeding the Corrupt Politicians with Ill Gotten Wealth... We could correct this injustices by redeeming the inequities and incompleteness of the Tydings Macdufie Law, Jones Act, The Philippine Organic/Independence Acts of the 1930s by reviewing the inadequacies of a HALF ASS written laws that were deliberately made by biased lawmakers of the times and getting even with Manuel Luis Quezons False Patriotic Fervors by punishing the entire future generations of Filipino Americans into Perpetual Jail Terms of being shackeled in their Island Colonies without the benefit of going on venues of Indebted Servitude for Labor Contract of Sub Standard Compensation just to fly like a bird in a shackled status. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR COUNTRY-PEACEFULLY: BY SIGNING, MARCHING, AND EXPRESSING TO THE WNTIRE WORLD THAT THE INJUSTICE MADE WHEN THEY PASSED AND ENACTED THE JONES ACT, TYDINGS MACDUFIE LAW, AND THE PHILIPPINE ORGANICS/INDEPENDENCE ACT IN THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS, THEY HAVE DONE A PERPETUAL INJUSTICE TO ALL THE FILIPINO AMERICANS AND THE FUTURE GENERATIONS OF FILIPINO AMERICANS TO COME............AN INJUSTICE DONE THEN, IS AND INJUSRICE DONE NOW AND FOREVER ---AND AN INJUSTICE DONE TO MANUEL LUIS QUEZON, IS AN INJUSTICE DONE TO ALL OF THE FILIPINO AMERICANS THAT NUMBERED OVER 110 MILLIONS NOW AND EVER..... LET US MOVE FORWARD TO CORRECT THE WRONGS DONE TO QUEZON AND OUR PEOPLE: ELECT AND PUT REYES INTO THE PHILIPPINE PRESIDENCY TO RELEASE THE BONDAGE OF SERFDOM FROM THE DELIVERANCE OF SLAVERY HUNDREDS YEARS AGO. AMERICA IS A HUMANITARIAN GOVERNMENT THAT HAD ALWAYS WORK IN FAITH OF GOOD PEOPLE--THEY HELPED THE FILIPINOS WHO HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED BY THE SPANISH FOR OVER 333 YEARS DURING THE SPANISH AMERICAN WAR OF MAY 1, 1898, TWO YEARS AFTER THE SPANISH EXECUTED DR. JOSE PROTACIO RIZAL AT BAGUMBAYAN. THE FILIPINO REVOLUTION INSPIRED BY RIZAL WAS A HELP TO THE AMERICANS WHO DEMOLISHED THE SPANISH FLOTILLA/FORCES THAT ENDED THE SPANISH DOMINION IN THE PHILIPPINES. AMERICA EDUCATED THE FILIPINOS TO A POINT OF BEING ENCULTURIZED THE WAY THEY ARE NOW--YET UNEDUCATED IN SELF GOVERNANCE DUE TO THE INCOMPLETE TRAINING THAT WAS RAVAGED BY WORLD WAR II. LET US REDEEM WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS-BE GREAT AGAIN AS A NATION AND A PEOPLE OF AMERICANS IN THE WAY AMERICA ADMINISTER THEIR GOVERNMENT.....AS WE ARE ALL BORN FREE WITH INALIENABLE RIGHTS TO LIBERTY, JUSTICE AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! GO FOR UNITED STATES STATEHOOD: I RATHER CHUSE A GOVERNMENT RUN LIKE HEAVENS BY AMERICANS; THAN A GOVERNMENT RUN LIKE HELL BY CORRUPT FILIPINOS. REYES FOR PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT IN MAY 2016 GOING FOR GREATNESS AND U.S. STATEHOOD ALL THE WAY!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:20:51 +0000

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