this status is titled: RELATIONSHIPS ARE EVERYTHING i am - TopicsExpress


this status is titled: RELATIONSHIPS ARE EVERYTHING i am learning a ton from this kickstarter project. i was focused mostly reaching out to parents or artists types that would be interested in an artist book for young kids-- so i reached out to media outlets and blogs. the response i usually get is: 1) No. 2) Will do, for $$$$$$ which is a bummer, but not a surprise. what shocked me was 88% of the pledges so far are from people i have a personal connection with IRL (btw, you guys rock. my life would suck without you. i babysit all your babies! forever!) anyway. it got me thinking. the bulk of my college career was spent in bible study groups. a lot of hanging out with people, meeting up with people, playing card games/video games until the sun went down and came back up. the idea was to serve people in anyway to show them the love Jesus has for them. so obviously in a college context, this includes a lot of wii and a lot of rides to walmart. and sometimes id wonder if i was wasting my time and if i should be more focused on becoming an artist. im generally a very ambitious, project oriented person... so letting that go to pursue relationships with people and serve people was the hardest lesson i had to learn. but i am absolutely thankful to the people who have taught me that in life there are more important things than monetary or talent-orientated success. learning to love people is a very worthwhile thing. so people who are currently serving small groups: you are doing the most important thing with your time. dont give up. to people who put up with me in small groups: thank you for teaching me the most important thing: to love your neighbor as yourself. even if it includes a bowl of instant ramen at 3AM.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 05:57:08 +0000

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