Ben Affleck as Batman? Holy Hell No!!! What are they - TopicsExpress


Ben Affleck as Batman? Holy Hell No!!! What are they thinking? Gigli as the Dark Knight? This is the worst casting of Batman since short unattractive Michael Keaton. How can they possibly fathom that Bennifer could pass as the caped crusader? His dud as Daredevil should have been evidence enough that he can’t pull off a stint as a superhero. Whoever thought this was a good idea must be a fan of Water World. Why not Woody Allen, Craig Ferguson, or David Schwimmer? Any of those guys make as much or more sense than Ben Affleck. Who’s going to play Robin? Matt Damon? This is such bad news for hardcore Batman fans. Christian Bale was awesome as Batman. He’s dark, brooding, and hot in that role. Perfect. Val Kilmer and George Clooney demonstrated similar attributes although not quite as perfect as millionaire Bruce Wayne as Bale. Still, both are one thousand times better than Affleck. Ben Affleck possesses boyish good looks and can even comes across as charming sometimes. That’s not how I’d describe Batman who is supposed to be a dark bad ass. I hope Ben gives his agent a huge raise because this is a casting coup. Ultimately, this whole debacle may actually sell tickets. Everyone is going to want to see this train wreck. Compare this casting to Henry Cavill who recently played Superman. He was the perfect Man of Steel who is supposed to be the perfect man–the epitome of the positive superhero. Batman is darker and brooding. You would think the powers that be would want to highlight the contrast between Mr. Truth, Justice, and the American Way versus the troubled and quite complex Batman. Affleck might make a perfect Clark Kent himself. He’d even be a perfect Jimmy Olsen. But Batman? No way. Probably, after Ben plays Batman, the Batman era will end. How many times can we see Batman anyway? Superman is much better. Yes, I predict Ben will actually cause the Batman brand to tank. Who wants to dress up as Batman when Ben is the image? It just won’t be cool anymore. It’s like using a Prius for the Batmobile or the Beverly Hills Hotel as the location for the Bat Cave. It just doesn’t work. I admit I will go see this catastrophe, although I know I won’t enjoy it like Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel. Ben as Batman is more like the Man of Stale. Ben will likely get the last laugh at the box office on this one. Hopefully, after this though, he hangs up his superhero cape forever.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 21:38:58 +0000

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