Big Bateau, May by C.S. Alder The depthless lake completes the - TopicsExpress


Big Bateau, May by C.S. Alder The depthless lake completes the sphere created by the tangible dusty rose, gold lavender clouds Adrift The silver bodied birches tangling the shoreline. The mirror below the hull reflecting the band of white pine, fir and maple. Our words surround us in the same clarity of the sunset. Breaking the silence. As the full moon is broken into lovely shards in the young water. A whir of wings circles us, as if we are invisible, our striking humanity Lost in the wild tableau The nameless shape descends Water riffled by sharp black tail before landing Softly joining it’s mate and the two Flightless birds that wait Trapped in a moment who’s properties you cannot explain scientifically and I cannot create a metaphor perfect enough to encompass. Trapped between lake and sky As the loons pass by diving and shining so close we can see their blood-red eyes and the kaleidoscope of sunset is the end of a magical everlasting moment and the wind rivers in the lake below carry us and the coal covered birds into a beginning born only from an end.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:09:42 +0000

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