Blessings everyone, The earth around us is already in a state - TopicsExpress


Blessings everyone, The earth around us is already in a state of transition into autumn. The transitional energies can often feel as though we are in a state of constant unrest. Transitional times of the year often bring with it, a feeling of being overwhelmed, scattered, and at the very least in a state of limbo. When our mind, body and spirit are not balanced these feelings can be more intense and more unsettling. Reiki is wonderful way to promote relaxation, stress relief and to feel more balanced. I am so excited about sharing this special offer with you as it comes to you through Divine guidance from my Spirit Guides. So many of you are experiencing times of unrest, change, and chaotic energies around you that I asked what I can do to aid in the releasing/embracing process of this time...and here it is. Inner Peace Package: A Half Hour In Person Reading and a Half Hour Reiki Session $75 One Hour Reiki Session: $70 Reiki aids the mind, body and spirit with its own natural healing processes. Reiki can help remove blockages that hinder ones growth and can serve to align ones Chakras. Each Chakra holds a purpose for us, and any imbalances then manifest into our daily lives. This beautiful and relaxing experience can bring clarity and a more balanced feeling within. The experiences of each Reiki Session is unique to the individual experiencing it. Some of the experiences shared are seeing vivid colors during a Session, the feeling of being immersed in calm, warm water, a feeling of floating. Overall, the general consensus of clients is always a feeling of release, calm, clarity and balance upon completing a Session. In the past ten years Reiki has made its way to mainstream medicine, there are now many hospitals, hospice facilities, etc. that offer Reiki as a Service and recognize the benefits of this beautiful healing modality. I have worked with Reiki for many years now, both as Practitioner as well as a Master-Teacher. I strongly encourage everyone to implement Reiki into their lives as a means to aid in stress reduction and an experience that can be very cleansing and balancing for the mind, body and spirit. I incorporate many healing tools into Reiki Sessions, using an intuitive process to determining your needs. I utilize the aid of Gemstones, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Healing Sound Vibration, Sacred Smoke herbal incense, and many many more, all working together to cleanse, balance and recharge you. After your Reiki Session we will discuss your experiences and my findings. Please email me at voicesbeyondtheveil@gmail or call 419-870-1123 to schedule your appt. today. Brightest Blessings, Billie
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:50:27 +0000

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