Buteza Twale get New Masjid from Munazzamat Aldawa Al-Islamiya: - TopicsExpress


Buteza Twale get New Masjid from Munazzamat Aldawa Al-Islamiya: SPEECH BY UMSC COUNCILOR AMIR AHMED MANGHALI ON THE OCCASION OF OFFICIAL OPENING OF BUTEZA T.C. MOSQUE, SIRONKO DISTRICT, UGANDA, SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 Guest of Honor, Sheikh Twaha Nabundesi, District Kadhi, Deputy District Kadhi Sh. Gimanayi, County Sheikh Badiru Kalanda, Imam Ayub Mudebo, Coucllors Buteza County, Brothers and Sister, Ladies and Gentlemen, Asalaam Alaykum WarahamatuLlah I am happy to join you this wonderful day, to witness this important occasion of the official opening of the construction of Buteza T.C. Mosque. Allow me at the very outset to convey my apologies to you all for having not been able to attend in person this event due to heavy work here in Nairobi, Kenya. It has been my sincere desire to be present at this event at the earliest opportunity available but this has not been possible. I would like to assure you all that I fully support the efforts of the Muslims of this Mosque, the Imam, Chairperson and treasurer for initially starting on this project. This is an example of promoting the welfare of Muslims in the entire area of Buteza. Also one of my key commitments is to promote the development of Muslim social Institutions. It is, therefore, my special joy today to join the Members of this Mosque in celebrating this achievement that started with my request to my good brother, colleague and friend Sheikh and Hujjaji Twaha Nabundesi who as Coordinator of Munazzamat for having honored my request. Of course the efforts of Sheikhs Muhammad Musa and Yunus cannot be underrated for having brought the coordinator on this site. Hajji Abdu is also respected for providing the Tahara facility. If we had known the donor requirement we would have had Bukiiti, Kigulya and Bugwimbi finished. This is the beginning of it, I am sure that several other mosque projects in the district will attract funding. I note with much appreciation that with the project now complete, Muslims from all over the county will have a secure environment where they can pray here in Buteza. I thank the Imam, Twale Sheikh and the Members and the entire congregation of the Muslim Council of Buteza, for this effort, which will take us a step further in addressing the welfare of Muslims. I challenge Members in other Mosques across the country to emulate this example by initiating various projects that will ensure the well being of Muslims in our society. Ladies and Gentlemen, as you are all aware, we are, as members of the Mosque have to thank the donors by properly using the facility for prayers, and enjoin good acts to fellow human beings. It will be good to preach love and peace in the mosque and let us pray Jama’a so that the donor can get thawab. Mosques do not only of serve people spiritually through conversion to the faith, but also address the social and economic challenges that they face. These include poverty alleviation projects, healthcare services, food security programs as well as the provision of school bursaries to needy children. Through the Twale Secretary, I am particularly encouraged to note that the Buteza Muslim Council has so far saved money close to half a million Shillings and plus my own pledge during the Imam training in 2012 will open an account and thus embark on development projects for 2014 that will go a long way in promoting the welfare of the local community. Ladies and Gentlemen, on this occasion, I would like to appeal to all Mosques in the Twale country to continue moving as a single Unit under the leadership of the Twale and not to accept divisionary views. Buteza will continue to support Sironko District Muslim Council in their efforts to unite the district. I call upon parents to send their children for Quran learning during the December holidays and we hope Buteza TC mosque will be such a center. Children must learn good manners and respect people and fellow human beings if they have to be good citizens in Uganda. Mosques can be used to shape morals of our children. We must treat women with dignity if they come to the mosque. Ladies and Gentlemen, In conclusion, I wish to call upon you to own this Mosque by maintaining it, and thus we need a nice carpet, electricity and public address system in the mosque. We must not look at the donor for operational expenses. I wish to urge all of us present to join me in donating generously towards equipping the mosque with a carpet. With these remarks, I wish Sh. Twaha Nabundesi a nice trip as he makes his Hijja Jouney to the Kaaba at Makkah. Pray for me as I have niyyat for 2014 Hijja Insh’Allah THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:49:35 +0000

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