CHAPTER 4 “Gods! I’m so sorry, youngsters. I had no idea there - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER 4 “Gods! I’m so sorry, youngsters. I had no idea there would be so many holes to fill on the way back to Haven House.” Shandra climbed down from her seat on the wagon. Alandra followed her lead with a groan. “Someone is deliberately making those holes with intent to cause harm and damage.” “Tell me about it,” High Guardian Valeri emerged from the stable. “Thunder pulled up lame on the way back to Haven House. Lyta is tending to him.” She dusted off her uniform, automatically checking that her document case was still secure. “The baroness and the captain swear the soldiers aren’t responsible for this.” “We need to catch whoever is doing this in the act,” Shandra said as she watched the trainees walk over to join them. “I’ll have a word with Ilene about that,” Val said, as she glanced at Raven, raising an eyebrow at the leather collar she now wore, along with the silver torque and frowning when she noticed the crescent cut on the left side of her face. “Classleader Kael, anything to report?” Raven lightly touched the cut, “There was an accident on the way to Aln. A shovel slid into my face and made the cut. Mistress Ellyn took care of it. I met the new scout trainees at the barracks and they have been informed of my status as Classleader. I also selected a horse as you instructed.” Lyta came out of the stable. “And what a horse! She chose Darkfall and that beast actually let her ride him bareback!” Shandra drew Val away from the group, “Alandra and I need to talk with you, Lyta, Siena, Ilene, and Myranna as soon as possible. Some other things occurred today that all of you need to be aware of.” “Very well. After you get cleaned up and changed, round up the others and come to my office.” Val couldn’t take her eyes of Raven. “How was Raven in the village?” “No problems at all. She was a bit nervous which is understandable, but wearing the collar El gave her seemed to help. You know, you really should make those collars part of the uniform.” Shandra glanced at the loaded wagon. “I’ll get the wagon over to the supply building, then round up Guardians to unload it. Shouldn’t take too long.” “Good.” Val walked back to where to the four trainees were. “Trainees, thank you for help today. You did very well.” Deral grinned tiredly, “It was a pleasure to help, Lady Valeri. Although I will probably feel different about the whole thing tomorrow.” Val chuckled as she walked towards Haven House and her office. The duties of a High Guardian were neverending. **** Sharryl watched her roommate remove her sword belt and hang it on the wall. She was becoming used to sensing Raven’s emotional state, but wished she knew why it was happening. At the moment Raven was somewhat calm, but a bit troubled by something. “You look tired.” “I’m ready to drop,” Raven admitted as she sat on her bed to pull off her boots. “It’s been a long day, Shar.” “But a productive one. We earned a bit of extra spending money, had two great meals, and bought some things in the Open Market.” Sharryl went to her chest to bring out the old breeches and sleeveless shirt she liked to sleep in. “You going to take a bath?” “Definitely!” kneeling before her own chest, Raven flung back the lid. It took her a moment to find what she liked to sleep in, the same as Sharryl. “Tomorrow is going to be another long day and a noisy one to boot.” “True. After that, however, things should settle down and it will be easier to concentrate on our training.” Grabbing a towel and washcloth, Sharryl headed for the door. “See you in the bathing room.” Raven nodded as she slowly collected her items for the bath, suddenly remembering she had to remove the torque, collar, and bracers. She set the items on the table next to her bed, staring at them for a moment. “Scout Classleader Raven Kael. Who would have thought.” She muttered as she left the room. After a quick stop in the privy, Raven entered the bathing room, finding Deral and Ciel were there as well, up to their chins in water. Deral pointed to the empty tub next to her. “The tanks holding the heated water are nearly full, so no need to worry about having a cold bath.” She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “I’m almost too tired to finish my bath.” Pulling the levers that controlled the hot and cold water, Raven watched the tub fill. “Imagine doing work like that every day, I would get bored fairly quickly.” Once the tub was full, she undressed, revealing the many scars left by the torture and beatings as a slave. Ciel looked away feeling slightly nauseous. “Who did that to you?” She quietly asked. Raven climbed into the tub. “Whoever your owner put in charge of you, his guests, and friends. And if you resist, the beatings are increased and they cut back on the food and water you are given.” Using the mildly scented soap, Raven got on with getting cleaned up. “Were you and Tanera the youngest ones there?” Deral asked, then dunked her head under the water. “No. There was a wulfin cub there who was three years younger than me.” Raven was keeping very tight rein on her anger, but some of it showed in her eyes. “He was sacrificed to the goddess Mikra. I was forced to watch.” Sharryl wiped the tears that suddenly trickled down her cheeks. “Oh, cosil, I am so sorry!” “Couldn’t you just close your eyes? That’s what I would have done,” Ciel stepped out of the tub, pulled the stopper and reached for her towel. “They said if I didn’t watch my cousin would be next.” Came the angry reply. “Ciel, enough.” Sharryl felt Raven’s anger rising. “Fine, I’ll say no more. But if you ask me, in a situation like that, I would be more concerned with my own well-being.” She pulled on her nightshirt, gathered her clothes, towel, and washcloth, and left the bathing room. Deral heaved a sigh. “Raven, I didn’t want to upset you. I’m sorry.” She too felt the anger her friend was trying so hard to control. “It’s all right, Deral. Priestess Kiya says I should talk about what happened to help in dealing with it in my mind.” Raven finished rinsing off the soap and climbed from the tub. She sighed as she dried herself off. “I meant what I said earlier. If you ever need to talk, I’m available.” Deral stood in the tub. “If nothing else, it will annoy Polaig.” Sharryl laughed. “Doesn’t take much to annoy her. I bet she was hoping she would be selected as Classleader.” “She was. But I don’t think Pol would have been a good choice. She gets too impatient when things don’t work out the way she wants them to.” Finished drying off and putting on her night clothes, Deral glanced at Raven. “Raven, do you mind if I come by your room in a few minutes?” “Fine with me. I should still be awake.” Raven suddenly yawned. “Something important?” “I think it is,” Deral winked at Sharryl who hid a smile. “All right. See you in a bit.” Raven left the room. “Go ahead and leave, Dera, I’ll wipe up the floor.” Sharryl watched the water drain from her tub. “I’m so glad we don’t have to heat our own water for a bath.” “If that were the case, I think I would bathe in the stream.” Deral headed for the door. “See you in a few minutes.” Back in her room, Raven hung the damp towel and washcloth on the back of her chair and placed her dirty clothes in a cloth bag. Stopping at the mirror that hung on the wall, she studied the cut and black eye. “What a way to start my return as a trainee.” She thought as she went to open the window between her and Sharryl’s beds. “I just hope tomorrow is a lot calmer.” Sitting on the edge of her bed she yawned again. Sharryl came in moments later, putting her wet and dirty things into a cloth bag sitting in the corner. “That bath felt good. I wish I could have taken one earlier after we finished digging that garden.” She reached beneath her pillow and brought out the small cherry wood box. Raven lay back on her bed hands behind her head. “Why were you and Ciel digging today?” Sharryl reddened, “I hate to admit it, but Ciel and I were curious about what Lady Valeri would do to you for fighting again. Ciel said you would be dismissed because you broke Pol’s arm. I said you would stay. I’m glad I was right.” She walked over to Raven’s bed. “I got you something at the Open Market today. A gift for being named Classleader.” She held the box out. Sitting up, Raven accepted the object and opened it. “Shar! This is too much! You didn’t have to get me anything.” She brought out the gold chain and medallion, studying the runes. “It’s beautiful.” She gave Raven a quick hug, then returned to her own bed and lay down. “When I saw it I couldn’t resist getting it for you.” Raven put the chain around her neck. “Thanks so much, silar.” Raven gave her a heartfelt smile. There was a quiet knock at the door. “Enter!” Deral came in carrying the leather case she bought earlier. “Good, you’re still awake.” She walked over to the bed and held out the case. “Congratulations on being made Scout Classleader, Raven. If any one deserves that honor, it’s you.” Raven accepted the case, undid the latch, and looked inside. Blank paper and parchment, a pair of dividers, charcoal sticks, quill pens, vials of ink, and three scroll cases were inside. “A mapmaker’s kit! Deral, thank you!” Dera patted her friend’s shoulder. “This one is better than what the trainees get and those scroll cases are waterproof.” She headed for the door, “Sleep well, my friends. It’s been a long day and tomorrow will probably be just as long.” Deral quietly shut the door behind her. Sharryl blew out the candle and turned down the oil lamp on her bed table. “Sleep well, silar and may your dreams be pleasant ones.” “Good night, Shar. Good dreams to you as well.” Raven set the case on her table on top the books she had bought, lay back, and was soon asleep. **** Guardian Wizardess Ilene Myers paced around Val’s office as she talked. At five feet five inches tall, she was one of the shortest Guardians. Her long greyish brown hair was braided and coiled at the back of her neck, her dark brown eyes filled with wisdom. “Setting up wards to alert us wouldn’t be a problem, Val. But where should they be set? And to warn us of what exactly?” “I still think casting illusion spells on Guardians keeping watch on the road would be more efficient,” Priestess Siena Mylon remarked as she watched her friend pace. With short fiery red hair and bright green eyes, Siena had an aura about her of calm, which was rare for a red head like her. Myranna snorted, “What, disguise them as walking trees or creeping bushes? I say we have the off-duty scouts and infantry head into the forest and take positions up in the trees along the road. Eventually the bastards who are digging the holes will be caught in the act, then we can drag them before the baroness and the captain.” “All I know is something better be done before a horse ends up breaking a leg or throwing rider and breaking their neck.” Lyta stretched her legs out, crossing them at the ankle. “I’ll consider all the suggestions made here and let you know what I decide.” Val said, waving for Shandra and Alandra to come forward. “All right, you two, what happened in the village today?” “I bet it involves Raven,” Lyta muttered loud enough for Myranna to hear. “I bet she got into a fight,” Myranna replied. Val glared at the two. “Keep it up and the two of you will be the ones fetching supplies for the rest of the year.” She turned her attention back to Shandra. “Now, start talking.” Shandra scowled at Lyta who merely raised an eyebrow in response. “First off, Raven did not get into a fight with anyone.” “But I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had given Ciel a black eye or a bloody nose,” Alandra added. “Trainee Diost practically blamed Raven for the other patrol members’ deaths also asking her what sort of deal Raven made to survive.” “I will deal with Ciel,” Ilene said quietly. “I am her mentor.” “After you finish with her, Trainee Diost and I will have a little chat as well,” Val promised. “Continue, Shandra.” She quickly told them about the accident with the wagon, Raven’s injury, and Ellyn’s attempt to heal the damage. When she told them about the gold and silver auras that appeared around the three of the trainees and Alandra, the looks were troubled. Ilene walked over to Alandra stood and cast the same spell Tyor had, receiving the same result. “How very odd. Usually the glow is white or yellow. I’ve never heard of it being silver and gold before.” “You do realize who the colors represent, don’t you?” Siena taped the medallion around her neck. Ilene rolled her eyes in response. “Yes, my friend, we know. They are the colors associated with the goddess Celena. The question before us is why the four glowed like that and why were Raven’s and Sharryl’s nearly equal.” “If Sharryl were to cut her hair, we would have a difficult time telling the two of them apart.” Shandra remarked as she sat down. “We know who Raven’s parents are – Lord Torin Arvan Kael and Lady Lysa Lyndron Arvan Kael. And we also know she was sent to Parn to live with Triust Lodro and that her cousin Tanera Saend accompanied her. But what of Sharryl? Who were her birth parents?” Myranna poured more wine for everyone, “We know Sharryl grew up in Parn, but with a wulfin family. But why was Raven sent to foster with Triust Lodro?” “From what I heard, Lord Torin was having problems controlling Raven. She would have fits of rage, attempting to hurt those around her, but never her cousin. Also Raven’s strength, speed, and agility were much greater than the other elf and half-elf children in Arda.” Alandra drank some wine. “King Gildon was the one who suggested Raven be sent to Parn for fostering. It seems the lessons and training she received there helped her a great deal. I guess at one point when she was young, Raven thought she was a wulfin who somehow lost her fur and wulfin facial features.” Shandra scratched her ear in thought, “I have a couple friends and a relative on the Ardan Council of Elders. Maybe they would be willing to check the birth and family records to see if Sharryl is listed there.” “There’s a couple spells I could try to get information on Sharryl as well,” Ilene said, setting aside her empty cup. “I’ll see if I can learning anything as well. There’s a few spells priestesses have that might reveal a bit more about what happened. Don’t forget, Tyor is also as priestess of Celena as well as a wizardess. It’s possible the glows were associated with her priestess side.” Siena stifled a yawn. “What of you, Lyta? Your apprentice is up to her neck in this.” Val drummed her fingers on her desk, a nervous habit. “I know, Val, I know,” she sighed. “I should also test Raven and then her and Sharryl together to see what sort of bond they possess.” She had a thoughtful look on her face. “But I’m willing to bet the bond they share is a twin bond. Like Col and Sulnt as well as Vanell and Trian Aglin.” “Ilene and Siena, would the two of you work with Alandra to see what’s going on with her? Also let’s keep Ellyn and Tyor fully informed with the findings on all four.” Val picked up a quill pen, fiddling with it. “Anything else happen while the six of you were in Aln?” Shandra frowned darkly, “Nikole Syer is staying at The Society.” “And Raven swore she saw her cousin Tanera with Nikole.” Alandra added. “Hellsfire! How is that possible?” Lyta shook her head in disbelief. “I talked to the barkeep and she said a young half-elf matching Tanera’s description was staying with Nikole. She didn’t know her name, but did confirm the presence of a scar around the young one’s neck. A scar left by a slave collar.” Alandra walked around the office stopping by the window to stare out into the darkness. “If it turns out to be true, what does this mean to Raven?” “From Priestess Kiya’s letter, Raven was at Tanera’s side when she died of that fever she caught at the keep. Raven also lit her cousin’s funeral pyre and was there as one of the honor guards until nothing was left but ashes.” Val tossed the quill pen down. “Is it possible to bring someone back from the dead from just ashes?” “Val, where deities are concerned, whether they are of the Light or Dark Pantheon, just about anything is possible depending on how desperate a person is when praying for a boon.” Siena leaned forward. “I know there are spells of necromancy that can be used to bring people back, but once they return, they really aren’t the same as they were the first time they lived.” “I don’t like this, Val. I think you should send Raven back to Parn. Whatever is going on seems to center around her and she’s drawing others into it. ” There was a trace of fear in Myranna’s eyes. “ And I don’t mean her getting into fights with trainees. Having a suspected assassin lurking about in a village of little consequence is more than a coincidence.” “Don’t worry, Myranna. Nothing is going to happen. I’ll have Lias Arsinta, Celene Fiold, and Kittar keep an eye on Nikole Syer and have them see what they can find out about her companion.” Val thought for a moment. “Also, once training resumes, I’m placing Aln off-limits to all trainees for the next three months. I want them to concentrate on their work here. Oh, one more thing. The collars that Ellyn makes are going to be an official part of the Guardian uniform. Shandra, would you see to that please.” “Sure thing, Val. Aside from the occurrence at Ellyn’s and the appearance of Nikole Syer and her companion, things went rather well in the village.” “How was she with the new scout trainees?” Myranna asked. “A bit nervous. Carrick Sulst was his usual border brat self, thinking he should be made in charge of the scout class.” Lyta snorted, “The only thing I would put him in charge of is the manure pile.” The others chuckled as Shandra continued. “Riordan Plind seems smitten with Raven and she’s not quite sure how to deal with his behavior. I think he spent too much time with his brother, Ardis the bard. Rory has fantastic notions about romance.” “What of Kervan? How did he behave?” Ilene asked. “Your son was polite. I think the black eye and cut Raven had made him a bit nervous. As for Varlin Naerl, he was shy, but greeted her politely. However, I think their real feelings toward the Classleader will show during training.” Shandra finished and yawned again. “Gods! Haven’t been this tired in quite a while. Dealing with the wagon and the heat has really sapped my energy.” Alandra grinned at Lyta, “Raven met Jodarl Silvershield too. For some reason he didn’t make her nervous. She actually joked with him a bit. All is not lost for the new Classleader.” Val nodded. “Before her capture, Raven was at the top of her class in everything. Back then I was already considering making her Classleader.” “Let’s see how she is once her training resumes, Val. No one can go through what she did and not change. And that change might bode well for the Guardians.” Myranna said with a note finality. Valeri dismissed the comment. “If there’s nothing else, you are excused. Remember, tomorrow is going to be busy day.” Myranna waited until the others left, before approaching the High Guardian. “Val, can we talk?” “Pull up a chair, my friend.” Val leaned back, putting her hands behind her head. She pulled over a chair and sat, staring at the desk. “If Nikole Syer is staying in Aln, she’s here for a reason.” “I know. You, Alandra, and Celene put a big hole in the Circle’s plan last year and they aren’t the type to take that lightly.” She leaned forward. “It’s possible they still don’t know who really was responsible for stealing those maps and notes. Nikole may have another reason for being here. After all, the Black Gauntlets have an encampment set up while they work on recruiting some replacements, and we know they aren’t above hiring assassins to deal with nobles or merchants who try to cheat them.” “Still…” Myranna gave her a wan smile. “I know, stop worrying so much. I’m safe here. What about Alandra? She might not realize the danger she might be in.” “I’ll have a talk with her tomorrow. Suggest that she stays close to Haven House for a while, until Celene and Lias find out what Nikole Syer is up to. As for Celene,” Val chuckled softly. “I could almost pity what would happen to that assassin if she tries anything with your bondmate.” Despite her worries, Myranna couldn’t help grinning, “How true. I sometimes think Celene goes out of her way to irritate Nikole. Did you know the two of them were actually best friends when they were younger?” “Never knew that. What broke up the friendship?” “Celene found out who Nikole had started worshipping. She almost killed her that day.” Myranna sighed. “Guess I’ll go to bed. Need to be up early and head to the village with the others to oversee the final move of the trainees.” “Sleep well, my friend. I have some reports to finish reading before I can sleep.” She watched her friend stand up. “Just think, one day you will have the joy of being High Guardian.” “May that day be long in coming, Val. Very long indeed.” Myranna sketched a quick bow and left the office. Val stared at the door after it closed, then sighed, opened a desk drawer and pulled out a stack of papers. She eyed it with a look of disgust, then picked up the top sheet and started reading. **** “How in the nine hells could Lady Valeri reward Raven for breaking my arm?! First she makes her Classleader, then lets her go to Aln and earn extra spending money.” Polaig plopped on her bed in disgust. She tossed her long brown braid back over her shoulder. “It’s bloody well not fair!” Deral glared at her roommate. “Gods! Give it a rest, Pol! I’m tired and I want to sleep!” “You could at least agree I’m right.” She crossed her muscular arms on her chest. “Not likely. You, Fier, Elisel, and Jessarel were in the wrong all five times. You four started those fights, not Raven. I know you, Pol, so don’t try to deny it. Raven had no reason to fight with any of you.” Deral sat up. “Why did the four of you go after her like that? What has Raven done to you? All she wants is to complete the training that she started here with the rest of us.” “So why is it that Raven survived Queld Keep and the others didn’t? What makes her so special?” Pol lay back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. “Gianala was almost as good as Raven in training and should have had the chance to return too!” “I miss Gia and the others too, my friend. But no one knows when their time to die comes. Do you really think Raven is happy she’s the only one to make it out of there? Don’t forget, her cousin died of a fever and infection she contracted while at the keep. Other slaves who were rescued were blind or maimed in some way. Who’s to say the others would have been able to return here? Instead of harassing our classmate you could show a little compassion.” Deral lay back down with a sigh. “I saw the scars Raven has, Polaig. Believe me, just seeing them is enough to give a person nightmares. Now think about what it’s like to go through the horror she did.” “You liked her the first day you met her, didn’t you? When we first arrived at Haven House.” Pol suddenly left her bed and paced around the room. “Yes, so what? Is there a law about not making new friends?” Deral watched her pace. “Are you jealous that I’m friends with her?” “No! You can be friends with whoever you like.” She returned to her bed. “Good night, Dera, sleep well.” Puzzled by her friend’s behavior, Deral bade her good night. But sleep was a long time in coming to her that night. **** In another room, three trainees were talking quietly. “Elisel, what are going to do about Raven? Now that she’s back and also Classleader, Polaig has no chance of gaining that position.” Fier Korl shook back her medium length reddish brown hair, hazel eyes, filled with anger. Elisel eyed her human friend, “For now, we do nothing except concentrate on our training. If we cause any more problems, we will be kicked out.” “Lis is right, “ Jessarel said, brushing her blondish brown hair, her blue eyes reflecting the anger she felt. “ My mother would disown me if I get sent home from Guardian training.” Elisel poured more wine for the three of them. “Somewhere along the line, something will go wrong and Raven will be sent home to Parn.” She smiled darkly. “And if the opportunity arises to help in this, we three will take it. But don’t tell Polaig. We need to keep her out of trouble.” Leaning back against her pillows, she swirled the wine in her cup. “Maybe Carrick will be able to help.” Jessarel grinned, “It will be nice to have the non-wulfin males living here starting tomorrow. Will make things much more convenient. I almost got caught last week sneaking out of Haven House to meet Gavin.” “He’s in the cavalry class, right?” Fier asked. “Yes.” She drank some wine. His father is a member of the Border Patrol out of Denost.” “Fier, have you and Kelan settled your differences yet?” Elisel drank some of the wine, before topping off her cup. Fier grinned, “Yes. I finally convinced him that you don’t have to be betrothed to share a bed. Once he understood that, things have been fine between us. He was raised in the temple of Lytral, so he has some strange notions.” Their talked turned to other topics and gossip they had heard. The subject of Raven and Polaig was set aside for the time being. Guardian Blades Trilogy copyright 2013 Anna M Dobritt
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 22:16:18 +0000

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