Common Core is the best way to prepare our children for the - TopicsExpress


Common Core is the best way to prepare our children for the senseless bureaucracy of future America... i.e. A waste of perfectly good time and resources to make things ten times more complicated than necessary and ensure government workers keep a job... Today it takes 25 teachers, 10 specialists, 8 tutors and 15 administrators to do the same job that one little red school house teacher could do in the 1800s. I think that demonstrates the dumbing down of America pretty clearly. But think about it... Government schools will always serve the government interest. Heck, half our teachers are in unions- some go on strike for crying out loud... But hey, a nation of uneducated and dependent people is much simpler to rule in tyranny than a nation of educated and independent people. Thats the point of Common Core- to educate future worker/producers rather than equip future leader/innovators. Thats why homeschoolers outperform publicly schooled children by such a huge margin- its much more like early American education where people were taught true critical thinking. When we quit trying to live to the unrealistic standards set by a consumer society, we will begin to live free again. I dont need a 4000 square foot house burning up my money on excessive mortgage rates and skyrocketing utilities. I can buy land and build a house, or buy a place just large enough to meet my needs and save my money. I can participate in a community garden instead d spending ridiculous amounts of money on food thats genetically altered and killing me slowly, or I can have a garden a rifle to hunt with and some fishing tackle to feed my family. I can quit thinking the best life I can give my kids involves giving them everything they want (iPads and Power Wheels) and nothing they need (my time and attention). I can buy an inexpensive, reliable used car and get cheaper insurance instead of leasing a car with astronomical insurance... Bottom line is we depend on these people to teach our children, but their agenda for our kids is not the same as our agendas. I want my kids to flourish, the government wants my kids to be productive. I want my kids to be happy, they want my kids to be loyal and obedient subjects. Common Core is just none more piece of the long term plan to take America apart and sell it piece by piece to the highest bidder from the inside out. I recommend finding a home school co-op or affordable private school and forego the Lexus or BMW so they can get an education worthy of their time and your money. Government education is free. Whats that they used to say? You get what you pay for... ~Ian Sharpe~
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:19:55 +0000

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