DECEMBER 25 ~ DAILY REFLECTION ~ from: ALONG THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT ~ by: Dr. David R. Hawkins. ►The energy field of love is innately gratifying in and of its own quality. It is discovered that love is available everywhere and that lovingness results in the return of love. Although love may start out as conditional, with spiritual intention it becomes a way of life and a way of relating to life in all its expressions.◄ From: “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment” (2006), Chapter 14: Love, p. 246 --------------------------------- With Additional Context: --------------------------------- Love (Calibration Level 500) Introduction The 500 level is characterized by the development of an energy field that is progressively unconditional, unchanging, and permanent. It does not fluctuate because its source within the person who loves is not dependent on external factors. Lovingness is a way of being in and relating to the world and is forgiving, nurturing, and supportive. Love is not intellectual and does not proceed from the mind; love emanates from the heart. It has the capacity to lift others and accomplish great feats because of its purity of motive. At this level of development, the capacity to discern essence becomes predominant; the core of an issue becomes the center of focus. As reason is bypassed, there arises the capacity for instantaneous recognition of the totality of a problem and a major expansion of context. Reason deals with particulars, whereas love deals with wholes. This ability, often ascribed to intuition, is the capacity for instantaneous understanding without resorting to sequential symbol processing. This seemingly abstract phenomenon is, in fact, quite concrete and is accompanied by a measurable release of endorphins in the brain. Love takes no position and thus is global, rising above the separation of positionality. It is then possible to be ‘one with another’ as there are no longer any barriers. Love is therefore inclusive and progressively expands the sense of self. Love focuses on the goodness of life in all its expressions and augments that which is positive. It dissolves negativity by recontextualizing it rather than by attacking it. As such, it is benign, supportive, and nurtures life; consequently, it is the level of true happiness. Discussion In terms of the evolution of consciousness, this level reflects transcendence of identification with the limiting linear domain and its positionalities to the awareness of subjectivity as the primary state that underlies all experience. Thus, the sense of reality moves from what is perceived to the condition or faculty by which it is experienced. Whereas the ego focuses on content, the spirit values context. The ego values quantity, and in contrast, the spirit values quality. By consciousness level 500, approximately ninety percent of the people experience happiness as a basic quality of life. The barriers to Love that arise from animal instincts no longer pressure for dominance, nor does the narcissistic core of the ego predominate, which is a consequence of humility and the relinquishment of egocentricity. Thus, personal self-interest is no longer dominant as selfishness or neediness. The view of the self is that of benign adequacy and alignment with Love as a primary goal and lifestyle. ►The energy field of Love is innately gratifying in and of its own quality. It is discovered that Love is available everywhere and that lovingness results in the return of love. Although love may start out as conditional, with spiritual intention it becomes a way of life and a way of relating to life in all its expressions.◄ From: “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment” (2006), Chapter 14: Love, pp: 245–246. -------------------------- Related Teachings: -------------------------- From: “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender” (2012), Chapter 12: Love, pp. 176–178 In the state of love, we wake up every morning and give thanks for another day of life, and we seek to make life better for everyone around us. Because of the presence of love, things go better; the eggs get fried better; the ducky gets saved; the kitty gets fed; and the doggie is adopted from the pound and brought home. We share our love with everything around us, all forms of life: kitties, doggies, other people, all living things. Yes, even the villains. If it is our job to watch over the captured villain, we seek to make his life tolerable. We say, “I’m sorry that I have to hold a gun to your head, but that’s my job.” We try to be as gracious and generous as we can be, without exception. The more we love, the more we can love. Love is limitless. Love begets love. This is why psychiatrists recommend having a pet. A dog, for example, brings love and expands love in the heart of the owner. Love prolongs life. In fact, research documents that having a dog extends the owner’s life by ten years! Just think of all the bizarre exercises, diets, and other regimens that people go through to add relatively small amounts of time on to their life, when they can simply get a dog and add ten years! Love has a powerful anabolic effect. Love increases endorphins, which are life-enhancing hormones. You live ten years longer with a dog in your life because a pet dog catalyzes the energy of love, and that energy of love heals and prolongs life. The energy of love has the capacity to heal our bodies when conditions are appropriate. On the physical level, because of the prevailing positive mental state, physical illnesses often resolve themselves. Some diseases automatically heal without any particular attention being paid to them, and those that still remain usually respond to consciousness techniques. Persistent illnesses that are unresponsive to treatment are viewed as karmically, symbolically, or spiritually significant. Overall, there is a decreasing awareness of the body, which now goes about its business and seems to take care of itself on its own. We are no longer identified as a body. There is a loss of interest in dealing with health matters on a purely physical level, and there are times when awareness of the body disappears altogether, unless we focus on it for some particular reason. Intuitive understanding progressively replaces “thinkingness,” which begins to disappear. Over time, “thinkingness” and its mental processes are replaced by spontaneous, intuitive “knowingness.” Logic is bypassed. This occurs because, at the highest level of vibration, everything in the universe is connected with everything else. Our understanding unfolds as “revelation” from this inter-connected field. The knowing is holistic rather than limited.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:11:46 +0000

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