DON’T GIVE TOO MUCH TOO SOON: Have you ever said or heard a Lady - TopicsExpress


DON’T GIVE TOO MUCH TOO SOON: Have you ever said or heard a Lady say: “I gave myself to him, and he threw my love back in my face as if it were a piece of thrash.”? The truth is women are in the habit of giving too much, too soon. No sooner than a woman meets a man and she begins inundating him with her past experiences…deluging him with too much emotional data than he can handle. Granted that a man wants you to be honest, but you don’t have to give him more than he’s able to handle in the earlier stages of your relationship. Now, I will ask you: Do you really want him to tell you all about his previous relationships? I mean all of them? Sometimes that information can be very helpful…but it can equally be as damaging especially if it comes at the wrong time. My position is that it is safer for you the woman to have more information about the man than he has about you…strictly my opinion…though. I will have to explain that this does not mean you are deceitful. This is all about determining what information his heart can manage without being judgmental about you. It could be acceptable for a man to narrate all his past affairs/relationships because this is easily acceptable in our socio-cultural system. However, deep within a man’s heart he still has the inborn desire to marry a virgin. Granted he might play around with some loose woman, but when it comes to settling down…he really wants to be with a woman he can trust. He’s in search of a woman of grace…the principled woman. Therefore, when you tell him all about your past affairs and relationships…that will go down very deep and more often than not color his impression of you. So when your guy is busy telling you all about his past relationships, don’t erroneously take this as a cue to spill all of your beans. You could just nod understandingly, and learn as much as you can about him from all of his narratives. You could then tactfully say: ‘we all have had bad experiences, and hopefully we learned from them.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:23:30 +0000

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