Dave E.Farley~~The Supreme Court has turned into a Gestapo - TopicsExpress


Dave E.Farley~~The Supreme Court has turned into a Gestapo Institution in America. Its just insane that they have lifelong appointments. Days like today I dont really believe the US is a Democracy! Not even close! EXCERPT~~In effect, this ends all recess appointments by the president, except in a rare scenario outlined by the Court in which the House and Senate disagree about the congressional calendar. What does all this mean? In the short term, not much: Obama withdrew those now-illegal appointments, and the Senate confirmed three others to the NLRB earlier last year. Democrats then undertook rules reform this year that eliminated the filibuster on non-judicial appointments. That removed any real need for Obama to make recess appointments. But, should things go poorly for Democrats in November, the Senate will become Republican. If history is a guide, they will block any further Obama appointments almost as a matter of reflex. And now recess appointments will be out of the question. The long-term implications for organized labor here are also dire, as Ian Millhiser at the Center for American Progress has been relentlessly pointing out. The three seats in question here have terms that expire in 2018. So: imagine a scenario in which Republicans hold the Senate in 2018, and refuse to confirm a Democratic presidents nominees to the NLRB, even if they are entirely noncontroversial. There will now be no recourse, and the NLRB will go dark.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:30:57 +0000

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