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Dear All, Greetings! Hopefully you will find this enjoyable. Please enjoy it! Obama refusal to visit Kenya will have consequences. US President Barack Obama is unquestionably no friend of Kenya. Contemplate that when no other country ever avowed a public holiday to rejoice his election triumph in 2008, Kenya did. The Tanzanians had no idea (even though they claim that the old Obama’s mother is a daughter of Musoma) and the Senegalese and South Africans were olive green with jealousy. Think also that when President Obama desired good genes to get into Harvard Law Faculty, a Kenyan donated 50 per cent. When Mr. Obama required pictures of himself carrying manioc to the marketplace to get through a hurting campaign, Kenya appreciated. Truthfully, Kenya delivered the story of his African ancestry — comprehensive with the heroic role his grandpa played in the Mau Mau battle for liberation. He also visited the country as a junior legislator for Illinois, and was received with widespread arms. At this time that he is President, Kenya is not appropriate enough to visit. The justification for his rejection is preposterous - suspicions of being photographed at State House in the company of the country’s two leaders facing crimes in contradiction of humanity charges at the International Criminal Court have seemingly forced him to sarong his father’s homeland as if it were a banned colony. Didn’t his fatherland conduct nonviolent elections this year that even the Supreme Court approved as the most dirt free in his fatherland’s history? He has legalized a “slight native tiff” concerning supremacy to inhibit him from taking a simple photograph with the legitimate governance of Kenya just because of “assertions” that 1,133 people died and 600,000 others were left without homes, food, water and education for the Country’s children as a result of their joint virtuoso. Has Kenya not enhanced from the ferocity that almost ripped the nation apart in 2008, passing a contemporary and enlightened Constitution? Only this year, Mr. Obama “imitated to care for Kenya” by promising that those eager to tread the lane of advancement would “continue to have a resilient acquaintance and partner in the United States of America”. Instead of holding up Kenya as a example of “democracy and wealth” that has survived 50 years of independence, Mr. Obama has gone looking for examples in Tanzania, Senegal and South Africa. He must know that Kenya wrote the compendium of African democracy. It is strange that Mr. Obama would want to deliberate good governance with “tots” in African democracy. Anybody who wants a guidebook on how to conduct peaceful elections wants to look no further than Kenya. Everyone who is devoted on building a youthful governance on the mainstay of uprightness need not look further than Nairobi. Mr. Obama wanted to deliberate political parties? Kenya has over 50. It can teach Africans not just about democracy, “it can also instruct them on justice”. For all its exemplary political conduct, what does Kenya get? Bad press and a presidential rejection! Other than having Nelson Mandela, South Africa has nothing on Kenya. The lions in Tanzania are all Kenyan! Mr. Obama appears to be unmindful of the numerous sacrifices many Kenyans have silently made to bring him to where he is. Many Kenyans, working as immigrants, have elevated the American economy from the disrepute of the world economic predicament. Kenya has permitted thousands of Americans to work as spies, marines, teachers, researchers and what-not just to “cover Mr. Obama’s susceptibility in dwindling” to generate jobs at home. His truancy in skirting the call of his ancestral home summonses punishment proportionate with his mischief. Mr Obama should think long and hard about the effect of Kenya demanding the repatriation of all its resources stolen to benefit America – starting with six pints of his blood, 16 of his teeth and 50 per cent of his brain. The rest should follow in due course. Choices have consequences. Salaams, John,
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 08:10:20 +0000

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