Dear Bassem, Here I am, trying to write you a letter, like so - TopicsExpress


Dear Bassem, Here I am, trying to write you a letter, like so many times before. But this time it’s different and more difficult, mostly because you won’t be able to read it and partly due to the fact that you have ten thousand professional writers as friends who will certainly write circles around me when it comes to talking about how awesome you are. So I thought maybe I won’t write anything at all. But how could I, when our whole friendship was based on our love for words? You deserve one more wordsy, not-too-short-or-too-long, serious-but-funny letter from your old friend. Intense is one word that sums you up perfectly. You felt, and did, everything with inspiring passion; wrote brilliantly, gave unconditionally and loved fiercely. And the way you listened! People loved you for a million reasons, but the way you listened, really listened to the person opposite you was the biggest one. You made one feel as if they were the centre (See? British spelling, just the way you like it) of the universe, that their problem channeled the Middle East crisis, and that you would be there for them every step of the way till they got out of it. Wise is another word. Sounds boring, right? It would be, had you not used your wisisity (Sorry, I couldn’t help making up a new word, but then you could never resist that either) to become one of the few human beings in this country who gave us something we sorely needed: hope. I always believed you ya Bassem, no matter how horrible life seemed; if you said things were going to be okay I immediately felt better. Not because of what you said, but because it was YOU who said it. I could go on about your magnificent sense of humour (ah wallahy magnificent- you and Joey Tribbiani were the only ones who could ever make me laugh), your superintelligence (yes one word readers, Google it), your amazing gift-giving capabilities, your huge heart (except perhaps when dealing with bratty 6 year old kids- not so patient and Zen-like then), and your immense and awe-inspiring talent. But I won’t. You knew it, we know it; Bassem Sabry was and always will be a real life, honest to goodness superhero. A kind, gifted, wonderfully quirky superman (oops, I mean Batman) that we were all very, very lucky to have known. Stop shaking your head ya Bassem, deep down you must have realized how many lives you’ve touched, that without you many of us wouldn’t be who we are today. I’d better wrap this up now. Unfortunately someone else has already used the “He became the change he wished to see in the world” blurb, so I will just add to it. You became much more than the change you wanted to see in the world. Well done my friend, my heart is bursting with pride today. Forever friends, Nevine #Bassem_Sabry #BassemSabry w kaman #باسم_صبري
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:11:36 +0000

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