#Devotion HOPE The school system in a large city had a - TopicsExpress


#Devotion HOPE The school system in a large city had a program to help children keep up with their school work during stays in the citys hospitals. One day a teacher who was assigned to the program received a routine call asking her to visit a particular child. She took the childs name and room number and talked briefly with the childs regular class teacher. Were studying nouns and adverbs in his class now, the regular teacher said, and Id be grateful if you could help him understand them so he doesnt fall too far behind. The hospital program teacher went to see the boy that afternoon. No one had mentioned to her that the boy had been badly burned and was in great pain. Upset at the sight of the boy, she stammered as she told him, Ive been sent by your school to help you with nouns and adverbs. When she left she felt she hadnt accomplished much. But the next day, a nurse asked her, What did you do to that boy? The teacher felt she must have done something wrong and began to apologize. No, no, said the nurse. You dont know what I mean. Weve been worried about that little boy, but ever since yesterday, his whole attitude has changed. Hes fighting back, responding to treatment. Its as though hes decided to live. Two weeks later the boy explained that he had completely given up hope until the teacher arrived. Everything changed when he came to a simple realization. He expressed it this way: They wouldnt send a teacher to work on nouns and adverbs with a dying boy, would they? Lamentations 3: 24 The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him. What are you looking forward to? Hope is more than a wish that things are going to get better. Hope is a belief that things will actually get better. In the natural there may be no proof that things will change but that does not intimidate hope. God has amazing promises in His word for us and the bible says that all Gods promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. Have you reached a place of hopelessness? Can you not see any light at the end of the tunnel? Being hopeless means you have lost all hope in God. Think about this, why would God keep you alive if there was nothing more for you? Just like with the boy, why would they send a teacher to teach a dying student about nouns and adverbs? The situation may seem irredeemable and family and friends may have forsaken you and you may think that you have no one to turn to. Well turn your eyes upon Jesus look full into His wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. Hebrews 10: 23 So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it, for He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word. It is not over until God says that it is over. As long as He is still keeping you alive it means that there is something to look forward to so don’t give up, keep hoping. PRACTICAL APPLICATION. DONT GIVE UP THE FIGHT.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:01:08 +0000

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