EXCLUSIVE!! Sir, I Must Object -- feel free to share... - TopicsExpress


EXCLUSIVE!! Sir, I Must Object -- feel free to share... Ladies and Gentlemen, When someone with Palin Derangement Syndrome attempts to spread lies about Sarah Palin, I defend her because it is the right thing to do. We get the government we deserve, no? Its the same with the Declaration and the Constitution: learn the basics and articulate them at every opportunity; we must inspect what we expect: we must be educators and purveyors of truth, and that can happen only if we understand it ourselves. When we defend the Constitutional Conservatives working on our behalf and can also explain the documents of the Framers, we are promoting liberty by upholding our obligations as informed citizens of the only Constitutional Republic to exist over human history. These founding documents are written in plain English, yet few are familiar with them as they are no longer taught in school. Heres my reply to one sufferer of P.D.S. on a recent thread; the comments were unfounded, so I provided a few facts for readers. Perhaps my reply will help you defend Gov. Palin in some way? I certainly hope so; she is fighting a two front war to restore our republic. We owe her all the help we can possibly muster. One may donate to Gov. Palins efforts to elect true constitutional conservatives at her political action committee SarahPac... Sir, I Must Object By Sandy Stringfellow I wasnt attacking you as a crony capitalist all you want and must wonder based on the charge if you understand the definition of crony capitalism or what it takes to qualify as a crony capitalist? Nor am I in disagreement that Over taxing industry, playing favorites when awarding bids and State overspending (thats our current admin) is not the conservative path. Youre right; Sean Parnell is slick and shameless --appearing on his best behavior under the watchful eye of Gov. Sarah Palin, but right back to the same-old same-old after she stepped down to end a non-stop barrage of frivolous lawsuits filed by political operatives that found a loophole in Alaska law (one that has since been closed) that was driving her into bankruptcy - along with other members of her staff - from paying attorneys to defend against the lawsuits out of their own pockets. What do I mean by same-old same-old? Do you know what the CBC was in Alaska? It was the Corrupt Bastards Club, so brazen in their unvarnished crony capitalism they wore caps emblazoned with CBC as an inside joke. After Gov. Palin was done with them, incarceration was involved: they were no longer laughing and back-slapping each other all the way to the bank. Sir, I must object. My objection is with your blatant attempts to disparage the character and record of accomplishments by the most important public servant since Ronald Reagan; readily illustrated with documented evidence given one has the patience, discipline, and interest to comb through it. It is fascinating your accusations are identical to the talking points published on several virulent anti-Palin websites dedicated to the warping of public perception relating to Gov. Palins personal and professional past by twisting, distorting, or falsifying the truth. These writers and the websites they represent are as incapable of providing corroborating evidence to substantiate their articles as are you in support of your comments on this thread. People can write or say anything...and often do. That is why those with a desire to be taken seriously can provide links to sources of information from which they drew their conclusions; otherwise, the reader may wonder - reasonably so - if fabrication of evidence took place for purposes of indoctrination. Isnt that why people are tempted to cite quotes out of context, delete important facts, re-write history, create false allegations and report third hand accounts as first hand research? Word of mouth, straw-man arguments, vague generalizations, or the type of yellow journalism practiced by certain newspapers in Alaska (among other places) well-connected with and loyal to the Republican Party (among other political hacks) arent considered reliable sources by anyone with an understanding of Alaskas politically corrupt history. Being a student of economics, politics, and history, I took an interest in Gov. Palin after her vice presidential acceptance speech as Republican nominee in Minnesota at the Republican National Convention; since that Reaganesque speech Ive read extensively about Gov. Palin. Theres much that needs to be said here, and I could go on at length; given enough time, a book about Gov. Palin would not be unreasonable as a product of my efforts to dispel misinformation, your own as well as that of other malcontents suffering from Palin Derangement Syndrome. But it is none-the-less a false premise to assume an obligation to disprove a negative. Why should I invest the time and effort? You have no evidence to support your claims of Gov. Palins alleged corruption and incompetence, because there isnt any to be found. I know; Ive searched in vain for it. Gov. Palin is the most thoroughly vetted politician and public figure in modern political history, if not over the span of generations. Do you know why? It is because both Progressive Marxists and the Progressive RINO Establishment have done everything they can to destroy her and her family through continuing slanderous attacks of the most vile and despicable manner imaginable in civil society. Even her private e-mails as well as those (24,000 pages) while Alaska governor were made public, yet no scandal arose: nothing of any sort incriminating, despite efforts to invent controversy. The fear and loathing of Gov. Palin from both opponents of liberty is visceral because they know she is the real deal - Reaganesque in nature - and represents the greatest threat to their established order. Quite a bit to absorb, I know; yet absolutely true. I dont suppose youve taken time to watch the Stephen K. Bannon film about Gov. Palin titled The Undefeated? Heres a decent synopsis of Bannons fine work by Matt K. Lewis titled The Undefeated could be a game-changer for Sarah Palin at the Daily Caller (6-05-2011): I had a chance to preview the new movie about Sarah Palin called “The Undefeated,” the other week, when filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon hosted a few screenings on the eve of Memorial Day. My initial response? If enough people see the film, it could be a real game-changer for Palin’s presidential chances. Aside from being well-produced, this film does a few things really well — all of which could make an impact if Palin runs for president. First, it reminds you why you fell in love with Sarah Palin the first time. A lot of conservatives were tremendously excited when she was selected as John McCain’s running mate — and were even more smitten after her rousing GOP convention speech in Minneapolis. Over time, however, some conservatives fell off the bandwagon — partly because of the McCain campaign’s mishandling, partially because of the media’s portrayals, and partly for good reason. This film captures the emotional response — the hope and excitement — many Americans felt when she was selected. Don’t be surprised if some folks even tear up during the convention speech scene. Putting emotion aside, the second thing this film does well is make the logical case for Palin to be taken seriously. Viewers who have never read “Sarah from Alaska” or “Going Rogue” may learn for the first time just how good she was as governor. Her short tenure as Governor of Alaska was remarkably strong (as the film points out, her approval rating was well over 80 percent when she was placed on the national ticket). Bannon spends a lot of time telling the story of Palin’s accomplishments as governor, and the truth is that few governors — even two-term governors — have ever had a better or more productive eighteen months than Palin had before her selection as McCain’s running mate. The film also does a good job explaining why Palin decided to step down. She lost a lot of folks when she made that decision — and the movie does a very good job of explaining her rationale. Lastly — and you’re not hit over the head with this in the film — but this movie works because hers is, in essence, a terrific underdog story. Here you have a very normal person (the film opens with home video footage of a very young Sarah Palin) who has dramatic early success, but just as she reaches for the brass ring, someone pulls the rug out from under her. Can she make a comeback? Wait and see. There are ups and downs and heroes and villains and mistakes along the way. This is all great theater. I’m reminded of the original “Rocky,” when Apollo Creed decides to give a “nobody” a shot at the title. Everybody thinks Rocky is in over his head. After all, how can he beat the champ? But Rocky rises to the occasion (to me, the convention speech was the big “match”.) And, of course — as few recall — Rocky lost the first fight …
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 02:23:12 +0000

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