Elections in the Panga Family are not democratic. This has always - TopicsExpress


Elections in the Panga Family are not democratic. This has always been the game with the Ailing Dictator. When PF was an opposition party during the 2011, the purported party convention in Kabwe could not cast a single ballot because President Sata knew that none of the cartel members were popular to win an election. Hence he had to protect them by all means and cancelled the elections, only presenting his own list of “Members of the Central committee” which he commanded all delegates to endorse and support. Hence, Guy Scott, Wynter Kabimba, Inonge Wina, Chenda, Shamenda and Co. all found themselves in this “appointed” Central committee all because of Sata’s intervention. That day, democracy DIED a painful death in PF and just before the 2011 elections, party Secretary General Wynter Kabimba micromanaged the adoption process for all parliamentary candidates and imposed his “cronies” against the people’s wishes in the party structures. Little did people know then that this was the beginning of the grand plan to take total control of the party. Hence the reason many MPs in PF are loyal to Kabimba, not to the party and the people they are supposed to be representing. The performance of these MPs was always predictable and is obvious today – they have lamentably failed to perform and deliver on PF’s electoral promises, making the party so unpopular with the grassroots. These MPs are a huge liability to the party in the 2016 elections. While the MPs parrot praises to Kabimba, they have become so unwanted on the ground and risk losing terribly especially in the PF strongholds, almost similar to what happened with the so-called “rebel PF MPs” (mostly from Luapula province and a few from Lusaka and Copperbelt) who were swayed by late Fredrick Chiluba in opposition to Sata. Even president Sata has realized this, calling them “Useless MPs” and “Useless Ministers.” Merit was sacrificed for Mediocrity! Once in power, Wynter’s cartel supported by Sata also ensured that only their cronies were appointed to key positions such as district commissioners (DCs), diplomatic service, heads of key institutions (IG, DPP, SG, AG), etc. The cartel also monopolized the public print and electronic media, Fred Mmembe’s Post Newspapers, and online social media bearing all sorts of names and managed by State House press secretary George Chellah. These media fora always give wide coverage to Kabimba and Masebo especially, portraying to the public that are very hard working. They also masquerade as President Sata’s chief praise singers just to dupe the people. In addition these media, especially the Post Newspaper and “PF” social media have launched a campaign to demonize potential threats to Wynter’s political ambitions in PF, especially Geoffrey Mwamba Bwalya (GBM), Given Lubinda, Chishimba Kambwili, Yamfwa Mukanga, Edgar Lungu and Alexander Chikwanda, attempting to dent their images before PF members and Zambians. To further consolidate power, the Ministry of Justice portfolio occupied by Wynter was elevated to No. 3 in Cabinet hierarchy with President Sata’s consent. In truth, Wynter is now essentially No.2 to Sata both in PF and government, especially that “ceremonial” Vice President Scott is merely symbolic.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:35:24 +0000

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