Emailed from China,posted in FB - TopicsExpress


Emailed from China,posted in FB Malaysia. 来自邮寄,人在中国,给【W觉】说【楞伽经】,第五讲。 内容依据梵文原文,英文是正说,华文是译义。 Gem as Skillful Vehicle【权宜方便是摩尼宝石】 There is a gem known as Mani which is perfectly transparent and colourless in itself, and just because of this characteristic it reflects in it varieties of colours (vicitra-rupa). In the same way the Buddha is conceived by beings; in the same way his teaching is interpreted by them; that is, each one recognises the Buddha and his teaching according to his disposition (asaya), understanding (citta), prejudice (anusaya), propensity (adhimukti), and circumstance (gati). Again, the Buddha treats his fellow-beings as an expert physician treats his patients suffering from various forms of illness. The ultimate aim is to cure them, but as ailments differ medicines and treatments cannot be the same. For this reason it is said that the Buddha speaks one language of enlightenment, which reverberates in the ears of his hearers in all possible sounds. Upaya may thus be considered in a way due to the infinite differentiation of individual characters rather than to the deliberate contrivance of transcendental wisdom on the part of the Buddha. 世界有一宝名摩尼,透然圆满无色,可反射五颜八色的物体。佛陀亦复如是,以摩尼无色映万象,众生因佛陀的广长舌,各自的习气,洞见种种境界,取向,心识,执取与归处。复次,佛陀为大药师,分别诊断与治疗众生的痼疾。因众生的病况差异,佛陀的诊断与治疗办法固然不同。 故此,佛陀以一音演万法,众生随其视听各有斩获,众生的千差万别,随其秉性与习气,因佛陀的权宜设教获得教诲与启蒙。佛陀不以祂的超越智慧,奔驰与众生之上。
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 07:02:05 +0000

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